Figure 1.
Differential DNA methylation between airway epithelial cells isolated via pronase versus bronchial brush. (A) Multidimensional scale plot of samples used in the study. Black point represent bronchial brush isolated cells, red points represent pronase isolated cells. (B) P value distribution for the effect of isolation technique. Dashed line indicates the distribution expected by chance. (C) Plot of the 413,350 CpG probes used in the analysis. Red/Blue points = Benjamini-Hochberg adjusted p value < 0.05. Red = negative delta beta, Blue = positive delta beta. (D) Pyrosequencing of cg14133850; **p = 0.0014 unpaired t-test. (E) Plot of the 413,350 CpG probes used in the analysis. Grey/red/green points = Benjamini-Hochberg p value < 0.05. Grey = delta beta < 0.1, red = delta beta > 0.1, green = delta beta > 0.2. (F) Gene feature type for all analysis probes and all significant probes. HC = high-density CpG islands (CG content > 55%, Obs/Exp CpG ratio > 0.75 and length > 500 bps), IC = intermediate-density CpG islands (CG content > 50%, Obs/Exp CpG ratio > 0.48 and length > 200 bps), LC = low-density CpG regions (non-islands), ICShore = regions of intermediate-density CpG island that border HCs.