Figure 4.
DNA region displaying a maximum difference in DNA methylation of 40% between airway epithelial cells isolated via bronchial brush from individuals with and without asthma. (A) Methylation level of four CpGs associated with KALRN, identified by DMRcate, in bronchial brush isolated airway epithelial cells from individuals with and without asthma. (B) Methylation level of four CpGs associated with KALRN in pronase isolated HBEC cells from individuals with and without asthma. (C) Pyrosequencing of cg2344005 in cells isolated from asthmatic and non-asthmatic individuals by bronchial brush and pronase digestion. (D) Methylation level of five CpGs associated with WNT7B, identified by DMRcate, in bronchial brush isolated airway epithelial cells from individuals with and without asthma. E) Methylation level of five CpGs associated with WNT7B in pronase isolated HBEC cells from individuals with and without asthma. (F) Pyrosequencing verification of differential DNA methylation at cg22413388 between cells isolated from asthmatic and non-asthmatic individuals by pronase digestion but not bronchial brush isolation; *t-test p value = 0.04.