(A) Scatter plots. Black line: Significant negative correlation of the Glu/tCr residuals in dACC and PCC BOLD response for Psex > fix (p = 0.003, ρ = –0.556, n = 27); Gray dotted line: Non-significant correlation of Glu/tCr residuals and PCC BOLD response for Pemo > fix (p = 0.217, ρ = 0.313, n = 27). Slopes are significantly different (p < 0.001). Beta estimates were extracted from the correlation cluster (light blue and yellow) shown in Figure 2A. (B) Black dotted line: Non-significant negative correlation of Glu/tCr residuals in the dACC and PCC BOLD response uPemo > fix (p = 0.462, ρ = –0.148, n = 27). Gray dotted line: Non-significant correlation of Glu/tCr residuals in the dACC and PCC BOLD response for xPemo > fix (p = 0.980, ρ = 0.183, n = 27). Beta estimates were extracted from the correlation cluster (light green and bright green) shown in Figure 2C. (C) Gray line: Positive correlation between xPemo > fix and Glu/tCr residuals in dACC (p = 0.004, ρ = 0.539, n = 27). Black dotted line: Non-significant negative correlation between uPemo > fix and Glu/tCr residuals in dACC (p = 0.075, ρ = –0.348, n = 27). Beta estimates were extracted from the bright green correlation cluster shown in Figure 2D. (D) Mean beta estimates for xPemo > fix and uPemo > fix represent a relative signal increase for the unexpected condition. Data is presented in mean ± standard error mean (SEM). Beta estimates were extracted from the bright green correlation cluster shown in Figure 2D.