Distributions of midsleep on free days (MSF) (left panel) and midsleep on free days sleep corrected (MSFsc) (right panel) in the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire (MCTQ) database (as of July 2017). The distribution is based on half-hourly bins. MCTQ entries were only included in these distributions if all questions of the core-MCTQ were answered, no alarm clocks were used on free days, and values were within a ± 3 σ range. The resulting population sizes were 221,480 for MSF and 185,333 for MSFsc (note that the latter requires information about work status and regular work schedules and is therefore smaller). Color-coding is arbitrary and classifies the population into the seven groups indicated in the legends. The left y-axis shows the local times of the midsleep values, and the right y-axis indicates the sleep window of the respective MSF group (in local time), assuming a sleep duration of eight hours.