Fig. 1. Phylogenetic analyses of the Trichoplax H2 symbionts. ‘G. incantans’ represents an undescribed genus in the Midichloriaceae (Rickettsiales) and ‘R. eludens’ is a Marinamargulisbacterium (Margulisbacteria).
Bootstrap support values below 0.5 are not shown. Scale bars indicate substitutions per site. Colours and shades of grey indicate taxonomic groups. a, A 16S rRNA tree of ‘G. incantans’ and related Midichloriaceae. For each sequence, the accession number, the percentage identity to ‘G. incantans’ and the published taxonomic names and hosts (where available) are indicated. b,c, Phylogenomic analyses using 43 conserved marker genes based on metagenome-assembled genomes and reference genomes: ‘G. incantans’ and Midichloriaceae are placed in the Rickettsiales (b) and ‘R. eludens’ in the Margulisbacteria (c). Phylum-level classification follows the Genome Taxonomy Database. Taxon names from the Genome Taxonomy Database are indicated in parentheses where available.