Fig. 1.
Responsiveness of Dbh +/− andDbh −/− mice to flurothyl-induced seizures. Latencies (seconds) to first MJ (A) and clonic/tonic seizure (B) recorded in Dbh +/− and Dbh −/− mice, with and without the administration of DOPS. Dbh −/− mice without DOPS had significantly shorter latencies to MJ (A) and C/T seizures (B) compared with Dbh +/− mice without DOPS (mean ± SEM; singleasterisks denote p < 0.05). Administration of DOPS (1 mg/gm) 6 hr before flurothyl significantly increased flurothyl latencies in the Dbh −/− mice compared with the Dbh −/− mice without DOPS for both MJ (A) and C/T seizures (B) (mean ± SEM; double asterisks denotep < 0.05). Latencies to both MJ and C/T convulsions in Dbh −/− mice with DOPS were not significantly different compared with those in Dbh +/− mice with DOPS.