Ig-NRG treatment upregulates GABAAreceptor β2 subunit mRNA expression. A,GABAA subunit mRNA levels were examined in control and Ig-NRG-treated granule cells (2 DIV). The graph shows an average percentage of change in mRNA level relative to control for five independent experiments. Although levels of GABAA β2 mRNA increased significantly in response to Ig-NRG (**p= 0.02), there was no significant effect on the levels of GABAA α1 (p = 0.14), GABAA γ2 (p = 0.96), or NMDA NR2B (p = 0.50) subunit mRNAs.B, BDNF (50 ng/ml) does not induce an upregulation of mRNA for β2 (p = 0.35), α1 (p = 0.50), or γ2 (p = 0.14) GABAA subunits. The data represent an average of three independent experiments.