Schematic representation of phosphacan and neurocan to indicate location of epitopes and RNA probes used for immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization.A, The three phosphacan protein isoforms are depicted asopen rectangles. The RPTP1 antibody recognizes a site including the fibronectin type III repeat (F) that is common to the RPTPβ short form (top), RPTPβ long form (middle), and secreted phosphacan (bottom). The 3F8 antibody recognizes a portion of the extracellular domain present in the RPTPβ long form and in secreted phosphacan but not in the RPTPβ short form. CA, Carbonic anhydrase domain; PTP, protein tyrosine phosphatase domains 1 and 2; T, transmembrane domain.Filled circles indicate consensus glycosaminoglycan attachment sites. The unique 3′ untranslated region (3′UTR) of the splice variant encoding phosphacan (phosphacan mRNA, jagged line) was selected for generating specific RT-PCR primers and riboprobes. B, The 1F6 antibody recognizes an N-terminal epitope of neurocan. This epitope is contained in both the full-length 245 kDa neurocan protein (neonatal form) and in a 130 kDa proteolytic fragment that persists in adult animals. A unique 5′ region of the neurocan mRNA (jagged line) was used to generate specific RT-PCR primers and riboprobes. See Table 1 for specific sequences.