Fig. 4.
OF does not cause lasting changes in synaptic efficacy in free moving mice. In vivo recording of light-evoked LFP during OF. a Upper: The schematics represent ChR2-Venus expressing dmPFC neurons projecting to BLA and bilaterally implanted optrodes. Lower: Verification of optrode location. Left: visible light, right: Venus fluorescence images. The positions of electrode tips marked as red stars. b Left: Examples of fEPSP traces before (a) and after (b) OF training (averaged over the time range shown by horizontal black bars on the right) in an OF (OF) and an OF control mouse (OF control). The vertical light-blue arrows indicate the blue light stimulation. Right: fEPSP amplitudes (light blue) and slopes (pink) normalized to the baseline. Vertical arrows indicate the time of OF training. Time = 0 (h) indicates the moment when the subject was returned to the home cage from the OF training chamber. c Left: Summary fEPSP data. Horizontal black bars indicate the time range corresponding to the averaged fEPSP data on the right. Each data point represents the average for 6 min. Right: fEPSP slopes and amplitudes during the hour 2 after OF training for each amygdala and averages. Error bars represent SEMs. The numbers of amygdalae recorded from are shown under each plot