Sapap3-KOs show impaired reversal learning. a Timeline of operant training. b Following acquisition of lever training criteria, Sapap3-KOs showed normal levels of correct responding, although incorrect responses were lower than WT (c). d Following reversal, Sapap3-KOs showed impaired correct-response acquisition. e Perseverative responding on the previously correct lever was also lower in KOs, but only on the first day of training. ^ denotes P-value of the main effect, whereas * denotes P-value of post hoc tests comparing genotypes on each training day surviving the Bonferroni correction. n = 23WT, 28 KO. **P < 0.01, ***/^^^P < 0.001, ****/^^^^P < 0.0001. FR1 fixed-ratio one schedule of reinforcement, VR2 variable ratio 2 schedule, WT wild-type controls, KO Sapap3 knockout mice