Increased correlation of regional cFos expression in Sapap3-KOs following reversal. a Mice were trained in reversal learning according to an experimental timeline similar to the previous experiment, and brains were collected 120 min after commencement of training on Day 1 of reversal to assess expression of the immediate early gene cFos. b cFos was quantified in 10 cortical and striatal regions of interest (ROIs); left of each panel shows representative staining and right of each panel shows schematic brain atlas image with ROIs highlighted. c The density of cFos- positive cells did not differ between genotypes in any of the regions assessed. d Rho (ρ ) values of pairwise Spearman’s correlations between ROI cFos measurements were elevated in KO mice, suggesting strengthened connectivity (paired t test of ρ values for correlations: t44 = 7.3, P = 4.1 × 10−9, mean difference in ρ= 0.23). n = 11 WT, 12 KO. FR1 fixed-ratio one schedule of reinforcement, VR2 variable ratio 2 schedule, mOFC medial orbitofrontal cortex, lOFC lateral orbitofrontal cortex, PrL prelimbic prefrontal cortex, IL infralimbic prefrontal cortex, DLS dorsolateral striatum, DMS dorsomedial striatum, CMS centromedial striatum, VMS ventromedial striatum, NAcS nucleus accumbens shell, NAcC nucleus accumbens core, WT wild-type controls, KO Sapap3 knockout mice