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. 2019 Oct 9;3(4):e325–e330. doi: 10.1055/s-0039-1698414

Table 1. Summary of published case reports on thrombosis in acquired hemophilia A.

Study Age/sex Prothrombotic risk factors Site of
1. Bleeding
2. Thrombosis
Relative timing At presentation (of bleed) Management of
1. Major Bleed
2. Inhibitor eradication
3. Thrombosis
FVIII b (%) 30-day survival
APTT a (s) Hb (g/dL) FVIII (%) Inhibitor (BU)
Siow et al (1982) 15 70/M Idiopathic 1. Right thigh hematoma, right knee hemarthrosis
2. Proximal right lower limb DVT
DVT first, with B12 deficiency 38
5.1, then 10 1. FFP
2. Steroids: hydrocortisone, prednisolone (4 wk) and cyclophosphamide (5 wk)
3. Anticoagulation (stopped after bleeding)
Hematoma 18 days later on anticoagulation 120
8.5 Present
Poli et al (1997) 16 36/F Pregnancy (postpartum) 1. Ecchymoses
2. Distal right lower limb DVT c
Distal right DVT first 57
(on IV heparin)
1. Vitamin K
2. Prednisolone 1 g/kg/d (4 wk)
3. Heparin, then warfarin (stopped after bleeding)
Normal Yes
Ecchymoses on warfarin 110 1.9 1.9
Deitcher et al (2002) 13 60/F Idiopathic 1. Forearm hematoma
2. Right peroneal DVT
Simultaneous 54.3
5.3 57 1. FVIII concentrate and DDAVP; avoided aPCCs to reduce risk of propagating venous thrombosis
2. Not described
3. Anticoagulation for existing DVT stopped after bleeding manifested, IVC filter inserted; peroneal DVT not treated
149 Yes
80/M Lymphoma d 1. Left flank and thigh hematoma
2. Proximal left lower limb DVT
Simultaneous 61.4
2 47 353 Yes
76/M Postoperative 1. Large ecchymosis over trunk
2. Proximal left lower limb DVT
DVT first, bleeding while on warfarin 54.8
2 5 88 Yes
Spencer et al (2011) 17 37/F Pregnancy
1. Bruising on upper limbs and right calf hematoma
2. Proximal right lower limb DVT
DVT first, with prolonged APTT (preheparin) 3.01
9.1 1. rFVIIa
2. Prednisolone 1 mg/kg/d (6 wk) and cyclophosphamide 100 mg/d (6 mo)
3. Heparin, then warfarin (stopped after hematoma)
62 Yes
Bleeding 9 days later on warfarin 5.03
8.1 2 35
Paudel et al (2016) 18 21/M Abdominal trauma (gunshot wounds) and surgery 1. Gastrointestinal and mucosal bleeding, abdominal hematoma
2. Proximal right lower limb DVT, bilateral cephalic vein thrombi
DVT at day 14 postoperation 1. Vitamin K, FFP, rFVIIa
2. Methylprednisolone 120 mg/d, then Rituximab 375 mg/m 2 weekly (4 doses)
3. Heparin, then warfarin (stopped after bleeding)
Major bleeding at day 24 on warfarin >100 <1 12
Wool et al (2017) 20 73/M Idiopathic 1.Right thalamic hemorrhage with intraventricular extension
2. PE after rFVIIa
Right thalamic hemorrhage first,
PE on day 5 rFVIIa therapy
4 27 1. FVIII concentrate (2 days), then rFVIIa (30 mcg/kg/dose) till plasma exchange (TPE)
2. Dexamethasone 8 mg BD; TPE day 5–6, then Rituximab 375 mg/m 2 weekly (2 doses)
3. IVC filter insertion
275 No e
Maral et al (2018) 19 46/F Malignancy (adrenal) 1. Severe ecchymosis on extremities
2. IVC thrombosis (pre-existing)
Ecchymoses while on long-term warfarin for IVC thrombosis 76.9
3 350 1. Not discussed
2. Prednisolone 1 mg/kg/d and cyclophosphamide 500 mg/wk
3.Warfarin (stopped after ecchymoses)
Normal Yes
Present case 72/M Idiopathic 1. Right flank and right deltoid hematoma, right psoas hematoma, malena
2. Proximal left lower limb DVT
Simultaneous 79
3.7 <1 82 1. rFVIIa (90 mcg/kg/ dose)
2. Prednisolone 1 mg/kg/d (12 wk) and cyclophosphamide 100 mg/d (6 wk), Rituximab 375/m 2 (from day 26, 4 doses)
3. IVC filter, clexane
217 Yes

Abbreviations: aPCCs, activated prothrombin complex concentrates; APTT, activated partial thromboplastin time; BD, bis in die meaning twice a day; DDAVP, 1-desamino-8-d-arginine vasopressin/desmopressin; DVT, deep vein thrombosis; FVIII, human factor VII; FFP, fresh frozen plasma; Hb, hemoglobin; IVC, inferior vena cava; PE, plasma exchange; rFVIIa, recombinant activated FVII; TPE, therapeutic plasma exchange.


Values in brackets represent control levels.


Levels after completion of treatment.


Interpreted as inappropriately diagnosed muscle hematoma.


Splenic marginal zone lymphoma.


Died on day 2s3 from arrhythmia.