Figure 3.
Attention-specificity of the negative BOLD response in the DMN regions. Spatial extent of the voxels with significant PBR (activated) and NBR (deactivated) during sensory-motor tasks using z-statistics thresholded at |z| > 4 for (a) attended visual, (b) unattended audio, (c) unattended visual, and (d) attended audio stimuli. The z-statistics for PBR are color-coded with warm colors (red-yellow), and those for NBR with cold colors (blue-light blue). The solid, light blue color represents the mask of the regions that have significantly higher magnitude of the NBR for attended stimuli versus unattended stimuli (z > 2.3, after cluster-wise multiple comparisons correction). The voxel-wise significant z statistics are mapped onto a semi-inflated cortical surface for a better visualization (slice-based mapping can be found in Fig. S3). Note that almost no significant NBR (deactivation) is present for unattended stimuli. The solid light blue color masks out most of the color-coded spatial maps of the deactivated area in the visual-attended BOLD response and partially in the audio-attended BOLD response. See the bottom row of the Fig. S2 for color-coded spatial maps of deactivated regions for both visual- and audio-attended tasks.