Paired comparison of gene expression data between rats exposed to chronic adolescent stress (CAS) and non-stressed (NS) controls within each sex and acute stress time point was assessed with uncorrected p value of 0.05 and fold change (FC) = 1.3. Differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were divided into groups that were up- or down-regulated in the CAS vs. NS condition. The number of upregulated and downregulated DEGs in males and females at baseline (a, b) or 30 min (acute) following exposure to a novel acute stressor (c, d) are shown in Venn diagrams. e DEGs in either paired comparison are represented in a heatmap as log2(FC). Fisher’s exact test of overlap was used to determine that up- and down-regulated DEGs in females and males do not significantly overlap (p > 0.05). In groups exposed to an acute adult stressor, upregulated genes significantly overlap (p = 1.3E−39) between males and females, but downregulated DEGs do not (p > 0.05). f Qiagen Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) was used to predict upstream regulators of transcriptional changes. The heatmap color represents uncorrected activation z-score, the predicted activity of transcription factors for each of the four paired comparisons (CAS vs. NS). The p value of significance of overlap of DEGs with lists of genes known to be altered by each upstream regulator are notated within each cell. IPA sets a significance cutoff of α = 0.01 for significance of upstream regulators. The heatmap is sorted top to bottom by z-score