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. 2019 Sep 25;21(9):e14394. doi: 10.2196/14394

Table 2.

Data extraction strategy.

Mapping questions Description of classification categories
MQa1 Publication source and publication channel
MQ2 Publication year
MQ3 Research types [15]: evaluation research—real-world CHb approaches are implemented and undergo evaluation; solution proposal—a new CH solution or a significant extension of an existing solution is proposed, and the evaluation of the solution is based either on empirical data or theoretical argumentation; opinion paper—a CH study that is based on the personal opinion of the author(s); review—studies that present a review of existing CH literature; other—the remainder of research types associated with CH studies. This is assigned to studies where research type is either unknown or does not fall into one of the aforementioned main categories (eg, experience papers, which express the personal experience of author(s) without providing any scientific evidence to support it)
MQ4 Empirical types [16,11]: case study—an empirical inquiry that investigates a CH approach within its real-life context; survey—an empirical inquiry method for collecting quantitative information concerning a CH approach, for example, a questionnaire; experiment—an empirical method applied under controlled conditions to evaluate a CH approach; history-based evaluation—nonempirical studies evaluating CH approaches in previously completed projects; theory—nonempirical research approaches or theoretical evaluation of a CH approach; other—the remainder of CH studies that do not fit within the previous types
MQ5 Contribution types: method—a manner of procedure and steps taken to acquire knowledge in CH; tool-based technique—a technique based on a software tool to accomplish CH tasks; model—a system representation that allows CH to be investigated through a hierarchical structure; framework—a real or conceptual structure intended to serve as a support or guide for CH; other—the remainder of CH approaches. This includes CH studies of approach not fitting other classes, along with very rare approaches that have been grouped in this category to facilitate abstraction and visualization. The approaches grouped herein are feasibility study, field research, process, guideline, and network analysis
MQ6 Main topics and medical conditions

aMQ: mapping question.

bCH: connected health.