Bacterial cells were incubated for 30 min in one of three different media with demeclotetracycline or doxycycline at 10 μM, or with methylene blue at 8 μM (for Escherichia coli UTI89) or 4 μM (for MRSA), and exposed to 10 J/cm2 (taking 14 min) of the appropriate light (360 nm for doxycycline; 415 nm for demeclotetracycline; 660 nm for methylene blue) (A). Escherichia coli UTI89 (B) .
BHI: Brain heart infusion; BL: Blue light; DMCT: Demeclocycline; DOTC: Doxycycline; Ec: Escheria coli; MB: Methylene blue; MRSA: methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus; PBS: Phosphate-buffer solution; RL: Red light.
Reproduced from [57] no permission necessary.