Fig. 6.
Loosely synchronous release of transmitter in ann-sybΔF33B embryo in 2 mm Ca2+ (Aa,Ab), in an n-sybF33-R in 2 mm Ca2+ (Ba,Bb), and synchronous release in a line 34 larva in 0.2 mm Ca2+ (Ca,Cb). Aa, Sample traces during tetanic stimulation that had synaptic currents were selected.Ab, The latency histogram of synaptic currents occurred after 1841 stimuli during tetani. On the ordinate the cumulative number of events belonging to a bin is plotted. The abscissa is aligned to the above sample traces. Upward arrows indicate the stimulus onset. Ba, Selected sample traces during tetanic stimulation. Bb, The latency histogram was constructed out of synaptic currents occurred after 792 stimuli during tetanic stimulation. Ca, Sample traces that occurred during tetanic stimulation. Cb, The latency histogram was constructed out of synaptic currents occurred after 1094 stimuli during tetani.