Fig. 1.
Ginsenosides, detected by mass spectrometry, in XueShuanTong. (a) Stacked chromatograms of ginsenosides in a typical sample of XueShuanTong. (b) Mean content levels of ginsenosides in five lot-samples of XueShuanTong. (c) Doses of ginsenosides from the XueShuanTong lot used in the human pharmacokinetic study at the label dose 500 mg/day. (d) Percentage daily doses of ginsenosides ( > 10 µmol/day, comprising 1 and 31‒33; 1‒10 µmol/day, comprising 2‒5 and 34‒37; and < 1 µmol/day, comprising 6‒14, 38‒48, and 51‒68) in the total daily dose of all the ginsenosides detected in XueShuanTong. The names of XueShuanTong ginsenosides as indicated by compound IDs are shown in Supplementary Table S1