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. 2019 Aug 1;24(4):378–385. doi: 10.1093/deafed/enz017

Table 2.

Age-weighted sociodemographic characteristics for deaf and hearing adult samples

Deaf Hearing
n = 1704a n = 3287a
Mean (SD) Mean (SD) t-test (p-value)
Age 48 (17) 58 (15) −21.2 1(<.001)
Subgroups n % n % X 2 (p-value)
Sex NS
 Male 705 40.3 1291 40.7
 Female 1046 59.7 1882 59.3
Race/Ethnicity 34.63 (0.001)
 NonHispanic White 1216 68.5 2016 65.4
 NonHispanic Black 167 9.4 439 14.2
 NonHispanic Asian 109 6.1 122 4.0
 Hispanic 214 12.0 392 12.7
 Other 70 3.9 113 3.7
Marital Status 41.63 (<.001)
 Married/in a partnership
 Never married
Occupation 339.13 (<.001)
 Employed 940 53.6 1633 50.1
 Unemployed 155 8.8 133 4.1
 Homemaker 67 3.8 149 4.6
 Student 157 9.0 29 0.9
 Retired 389 22.2 1089 33.4
 Disabled 46 2.6 208 6.4
Education 52.75 (<.001)
 HS graduate
 College graduate
Comorbidity 18.83 (<.001)
 None 1104 65.8 1920 59.5
 Has one or more medical condition(s) 573 34.2 1308 40.5
BMI Category 7.75 (.05)
 Underweight 26 1.5 34 1.0
 Normal 580 32.7 986 30.2
 Overweight 617 34.8 1131 34.6
 Obese 548 30.9 1115 34.1
Regular provider 35.00 (.001)
 Yes 1116 66.0 2444 74.0
 No 574 34.0 857 26.0
Health Status 46.86 (<.001)
 Excellent/Very Good 961 54.2 1591 48.0
 Good 632 35.7 1162 35.0
 Fair/Poor 179 10.1 564 17.0
Depression/Anxiety Disorder Diagnosis 6.50 (<.01)
 Yes 424 24.9 713 21.7
 No 1280 75.1 2574 78.3

aFrequencies not summing to total reflect missing data.