Fig 4. Effect on the translational potential of a paper after it receives different classes of citations.
Testing the change in APT scores after directly manipulating the citing networks of 14,789 articles by adding or changing the types of citations. (A) Sample of a paper in this analysis that has 5 citations in the second year after publication (green squares) and an additional 5 citations in year 3 (white squares). We replaced the citations from year 3 with 5 citations that were MC, A, H, or H+. The same procedure was repeated for articles that populate vertices of the triangle of biomedicine (i.e., articles that were at least 95% H, A, or MC). (B) Effect on APT scores after manipulating the citing networks of all articles and for subsets articles that populate the H, A, and MC vertices. “Originals” indicates the change in APT score associated with the naturally occurring citations after year 3. A, Animal; APT, Approximate Potential to Translate; H, Human; H+, Human with Disease, Therapeutic/Diagnostic Approaches, and Chemical/Drug terms; MC, Molecular/Cellular; Mol./Cell., Molecular/Cellular.