Figure 5.
Physiological analysis of hESCs-CMs treated with mBax_499 mRNA. Untreated cells and cells treated with mBax_499 mRNA for 24 h were examined for changes in calcium homeostasis and mechanical contraction. All slides were stimulated with 1 Hz and [Ca2+]i transients and contraction signals were recorded and analyzed. (a) Representative illustration of average transients from untreated cells (black) or hESC-CMs treated with mBax_499 mRNA (gray). Left sided graph shows average of raw traces and the right graph shows super imposed traces (normalized to peak high). (b–e) Parameters measured from calcium transients: (b) Half width was calculated as duration from 50% time to [Ca2+]i peak to 50% time to calcium decay. (c) Tau characterized the speed of calcium reuptake. (d) Basal [Ca2+]i during relaxation. (e) Magnitude of transients represents the % of [Ca2+]i alternations during contraction, calculate as ΔF/F0 and normalized to untreated cells. (f–h) Parameters measured from contraction traces: (f) Representative illustration of average super imposed transients of mechanical contraction (normalized to peak high). (g) Half width was calculated as duration from 50% time to contraction peak to 50% time to relaxation. (h) Fractional shortening (%) characterized the percent change during contraction, normalized to untreated cells. All bar graphs indicate mean (SE). Data was collected from at least 5 different zones obtained from 5–6 independent slides. Parameters were calculated from an average of 15–20 successive transients for each zone. Two-tailed unpaired student’s t-test was performed to ensure no statistical differences.