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. 2019 Oct 4;7:234. doi: 10.3389/fbioe.2019.00234
Symbol Meaning Units
EBPR enhanced biological phosphorus removal
AS activated sludge
ASM activated sludge model
SRC standard regression coefficients
OLS ordinary least squares
LASSO least absolute shrinkage and selection operator
RBD-FAST Fourier amplitude sensitivity test via random balanced designs
GSA global sensitivity analysis
PHA poly-β-hydroxy-alkanoate
PHB poly-β-hydroxy-butyrate
PHV poly-β-hydroxy-valerate
PH2MV poly-β-hydroxy-methyvalerate
PAO phosphorus accumulating organism
GAO glycogen accumulating organism
poly-P poly-phosphate
VFA volatile fatty acids
HAc acetate
HPr propionate
SRT solids retention time
HRT hydraulic retention time
T temperature °C
Xj intra-cellular concentration of component j C-mol/l
Xj, i initial intra-cellular concentration of component j P or C-mol/l
fj intra-cellular fraction of component j per unit of biomass P or C-mol/C-mol
fji initial intra-cellular fraction of component j per unit of biomass P or C-mol/C-mol
fj, max maximum intra-cellular fraction of component j per unit of biomass P or C-mol/C-mol
Sj concentration of j in the bulk liquid phase P or C-mol/l
SVFA, i initial concentration of j in the bulk liquid phase C-mol/l
rP/C, i ratio of the PO4 to VFA concentration in the influent
rHAc/HPr, i ratio of acetate to propionate in the influent VFA
qj maximum rate of conversion of component j P or C-mol/C-molh−1
mATP, an anaerobic maintenance coefficient P-mol/C-molh−1
mATP, ox aerobic maintenance coefficient ATP-mol/C-molh−1
Kj half-saturation constant of component j C-mol/l
θj Arrhenius temperature coefficient of component j
δ yield of ATP per unit of NADH oxidized (P/O ratio) ATP-mol/NADH-mol
ε aerobic PO4 transport coefficient P-mol/NADH-mol
K1 ATP required for biomass synthesis from Acetyl-CoA* ATP-mol/C-mol
K2 ATP required for biomass synthesis from Propionyl-CoA* ATP-mol/C-mol