Temporal summation of NMDAR-EPSCs and LTP following acute withdrawal from AIE in the male dlBNST. (A–C) Representative traces (top; Air gray, AIE black) and pooled data (bottom) demonstrating the ability of 10 stimulation pulses given at 10, 20, and 40 Hz to enhance the temporal summation of NMDAR-EPSCs during withdrawal from AIE; vertical scale bar = 200 pA, horizontal scale bar = 200 ms. Symbols indicate significant differences determined by a two-way repeated measures ANOVA; ∗p < 0.05. (D) Plot of the summation index across different stimulation frequencies and treatments demonstrating a significant increase in temporal summation following AIE. A two-way ANOVA revealed a significant effect of treatment; ∗∗p < 0.01. (E) Time course showing no difference in synaptic field potentials at baseline (20 min) and after the induction of LTP by high-frequency stimulation (two 1-s trains at 100 Hz) in the dlBNST of mice from Air- and AIE groups. (F) Representative traces recorded from Air (gray) and AIE (black) mice before (solid) and 60 min after (dashed) the high frequency tetanus; vertical scale bar = 0.3 mV, horizontal scale bar = 2 ms. All data points represent the mean ± SEM.