GluN2B transmission and NMDAR metaplasticity in adult male mice with a history of AIE. (A) Schedule showing the time course used to evaluate the duration of the plastic changes observed in the male adolescent BNST following chronic intermittent ethanol. Recordings were obtained 30 days after the final vapor chamber session (∼P70). (B) Time course of NMDAR-EPSC peak amplitudes in Air- and AIE-treated male adults following a 10-min application of Ro 25–6981. In contrast to the enhancement of GluN2B-mediated transmission observed in adolescent males exposed to chronic intermittent ethanol, there was a trend toward a significant reduction of GluN2B in adults with a history of AIE (unpaired t-test comparing group differences of the percentage change in EPSC amplitude from 5 min before Ro addition to the last 5 min of washout [black line]). (C) Plot of the summation index across stimulation frequencies and treatments demonstrating no significant difference in adult males with a history of AIE relative to controls. All data points indicate mean ± SEM.