Spontaneous EPSCs in adult male and female mice with a history of AIE following a restraint stress challenge. (A) Protocol used to evaluate whether acute restraint stress (1 h, Str) during protracted withdrawal would alter NMDARs in adults with a history of AIE (AIE-Str) relative to air controls (Air-Str). Slices were obtained from mice 1 h after termination of the restraint stress. Quantification of sEPSC frequency (C) and amplitude (B) in dlBNST neurons of AIE-Str and Air-Str male mice. Quantification of sEPSC frequency (E) and amplitude (D) in dlBNST neurons of AIE-Str and Air-Str male mice. Lines show mean (± SEM), symbols indicate significant differences determined by unpaired t-tests; ∗p < 0.05.