Fig. 4. Differentiation of hESCs into HLCs.
a The relative hepatocyte (ALB, AAT, CK18, and ASGPR1), cholangiocyte (SOX9), and hepatoblast (AFP) gene expression levels of day 19 differentiated cells with different treatments (groups A and B) were determined by qPCR. HGF (hepatocyte growth factor, 20 ng/mL); OSM (oncostatin M, 20 ng/mL); Dex (dexamethasone, 10 µM); SB431542 (TGFβ inhibitor, 2 µM); and RO4929097 (Notch inhibitor, 1 µM). b Immunofluorescence analysis of ALB, AAT, ASGPR1, and CK18 expression in group B-induced differentiated cells on day 19. c The expression levels of ALB and ASGPR1 in group B-induced differentiated cells were determined by flow cytometry on day 19. Isotype control antibodies were used as controls. d The relative hepatocyte (ALB, AAT, CK18, ASGPR1, and AFP) gene expression levels of differentiated HLCs (group B) compared with those of hESCs and primary human hepatocytes (PHHs) were determined by qPCR. e Albumin secretion of HLCs (black line) on days 12, 14, 16, 18, and 20 and PHHs (dotted line) on day 2 were determined by ELISA. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01; data are represented as the mean ± SD. Scale bar, 50 µm.