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. 2019 Oct 4;10:1239. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2019.01239

Table 1.

Synthesis of the results of studies that evaluate the acute and chronic effects of combined aerobic exercise and blood flow restriction on metabolic variables in obese individuals, athletes and young adults.

References Subjects Variables Exercise protocol Intensity or frequency of training/duration of study Exercise volume Interval PADE
BFR between sets SW
EX FE SE Sets or continuous Repetitions or duration time
Abe et al., 2010b 19 Elderly men and women VO2max WALK TREADMILL 67 m/min 5× week/6 weeks Continuous 20 min - 200 5.0 No improvement in VO2Max in the groups
Abe et al., 2010a 19 Adult men VO2max CYC CYCLE 40% VO2 with and without BFR 1× day/3× week - 8 weeks Continuous 15 min with BFR
45 min without BFR
160–210 5.0 ↑ VO2Max in cycling with BFR
Park et al., 2010 12 Basketball players VO2max
WALK TREADMILL 4–6 km/h 2× day/6× week
2 weeks
5 Series 3 min 1 min 160–230 Yes ↑VEmax and VO2max in training protocol with BFR
Ozaki et al., 2011 10 Men VO2 (L/min) CYC CYCLE 70 rpm 20–40–60% VO2max with and without BFR Continuous 4 min each stage 200 Yes 5.0 ↑VO2 between 20 and 60% in the session with BFR
Loenneke et al., 2011 10 Men and women EE and VO2 (L/min) WALK TREADMILL 75 m/min AE + BFR
5 sets 2 min 1 min Elastic Yes 7.6 ↑VO2 and EE in the exercise session with BFR
Loenneke et al., 2012 9 Men and women [La+] WALK TREADMILL 75 m/min AE + BFR
5 sets 2 min 1 min Elastic Yes 7.6 WALKING+BFR does not change metabolic stress
Mendonca et al., 2014 18 Healthy men Energy expenditure WALK TREADMILL <30%VO2max 5 sets 3 min 1 min 200 Yes 6 × 83 Energy expenditure > for walking with BFR
Corvino et al., 2014 13 Active subjects TTE CYC CYCLE 30% Pmax + BFR
30% Pmax
2 Set 5–8 Repetitions 1 min 140–200 Yes 18 ↑ in TTE for walking with BFR
Mendonca et al., 2015 17 Young men EPOC WALK TREADMILL <30%VO2Max 5 Sets 3 min 1 min 200 Yes 6 × 83 EPOC> in exercise session with BFR
de Oliveira et al., 2015 37 Subjects Pmax. PALS, VO2Max CYC CYCLE 30% Pmax + BFR110% Pmax30% Pmax110%-30% Pmax +BFR3x week/4 weeks 2 Sets 5–8 Repetitions 5 min 140–200 Yes 18 ↑VO2Max and Pmax and improvement in PALS for the LI with BFR protocol
Karabulut and Garcia, 2015 34 Obese men and women EE, RER CYC CYCLE 50 rpm 40%+BFR
Without BFR
50 Watts
2 Sets 10 min 1 min 40%
Yes 5.0 ↑ EE and RER > in the BFR protocol
Taylor et al., 2016 20 Trained men VO2Max RUN TREADMILL SIT + BFR
2× week/4 weeks
4, 5, 6. and 7 sprints 30 s 270 s 130 post-exercise No 6 × 83 ↑VO2Max for the protocol with BFR
Kim et al., 2016 31 Trained
young men
VO2Max CYC BICYCLE 3× week/6 weeks Continuous 20 min 160–180 Yes 5.0 VO2MAX did not increase in the LI group.
Corvino et al., 2016 12 Men VO2, [La], VE CYC CYCLE HI
2 Sets with 5 reps
35 min
1 80% No 18 ↑ metabolic strain and muscle deoxigenation in protocol I-BFR30
Paton et al., 2017 10 men 6 women RE, TTE and PRV RUN TREADMILL 80%PRV AE + BFRCON 2× week/4 weeks 2 Sets 5 repetitions 30 sec Elastic Yes 7–10 ↑ RE, TTE and PRV in protocol with BFR
Conceição et al., 2018 12 Men TEE, ALM, AM, VE CYC CYCLE 60–70 rpm 40% VO2Max + BFR
40% VO2Max
Continuous 30 min 80% No 18 ↑ metabolic anaerobic, aerobic, total energy expenditure and Ventilation in protocol AE + BFR
Thomas et al., 2018 18 Men VO2 and [La] CYC CYCLE HI 85%Pmax
LI 40%
3 Sets 2 min 2 min active 80% Yes 10 ↑VO2, [La] in protocol HI > LI+BFR and LI.
VO2, [La] in protocol LI+BFR > LI
Tanaka and Takarada, 2018 30 Elderly men VO2Max CYC CYCLE 40–70%VO2Max + BFR
3× week/6 months
Continuous 15 min 40–80 mmhg ↑ SBP No 9 × 7 ↑ VO2Max in protocol AE + BFR
Silva et al., 2019 22 Men VO2 RUN
6 Sets
90 s
18 min
90 s active 50% No 18 ↑VO2 in protocol HIIE
But, VO2 in protocol AE + BFR > AE
Pfeiffer et al., 2019 24 Men EE WALK TREADMILL 40% Maximal Speed 5 Sets 2 min 1 min 0
Yes 18 ↑EE in protocol walk with 50% BFR

BFR, blood flow restriction; VO2Max, maximum oxygen consumption; VEMAX, Maximum ventilation; PMAX, maximum power; EPOC, excessive post-exercise oxygen consumption; EE, energy expenditure; TEE, total energy expenditure; ALM, Anaerobic Lactic Metabolism; RE, running economy; TTE, time to exhaustion; AM, Aerobic Metabolism; VE, Ventilation; PRV, peak running velocity; RER, respiratory exchange ratio; OBLA, onset blood lactate accumulation; EX, exercise; FE, form of execution; SE, speed of execution; WALK, walking; CYC, cycling; RUN, running; CYCLE, cycle ergometer; min, minutes; s, seconds; CON, Control; PADE, pressure applied during the exercise; SW, sleeve width; –, Not informed; ↑, significant increase; LI + BFR, low intensity combined with blood flow restriction; LI, low intensity; HI, high intensity; HIIE, high intensity interval exercise; IBFR30, intermittent blood flow restriction; CBFR, continuous blood flow restriction.