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. 2019 Oct 4;10:1239. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2019.01239

Table 3.

Synthesis of the results of studies that evaluate the acute effect of combined aerobic exercise and blood flow restriction on hemodynamic variables in athletes, young adults, and elderly individuals.

References Subjects Variable Exercise protocol Intensity/frequency of training/study of duration Exercise volume Interval PADE
BFR between sets SW(cm) Results
EX FE VE Series or continuous Repetitions or duration time
Abe et al., 2006 18 Healthy youth HR WALK TREADMILL 50 m/min 5 Sets 2 min 1 min 120–220 Yes - ↑ HR during protocol with BFR
Abe et al., 2010a 19 Young men HR CYC CYCLE 50 m/min 40% VO2maxBFR
40% VO2Max
Continuous 15 min with BFR
45 min without BFR
160–210 5.0 ↑ HR in protocol with BFR
Renzi et al., 2010 17 men and women adults HR, CO, DP and SBP WALK TREADMILL 3.21 Km/h 5-Sets 2 min 1 min 160 Yes ↑ HR, BP and DP and ↓ SV during training with BFR
Ozaki et al., 2010 10 Men HR, CO, SBP, DBP, MAP, SV CYC CYCLE 0–20–40–60% VO2max with and without BFR Continuous 4 min each stage 200 Yes 5.0 ↑HR, CO, SBP, DBP, MAP and ↓ VEJ in training with BFR
Loenneke et al., 2011 10 Men and women HR WALK TREADMILL 75 m/min 5 Sets 2 min 1 min Elastic Yes 7.6 ↑HR in the exercise session with BFR
Kumagai et al., 2012 8 Men HR, SBP, DBP, SV, BP, CO, TPR CYC BICYCLE 40% VO2max with and without BFR Continuous 30 min - 200 Yes 5.0 ↑ HR BFR and CON
↑ SBP and DBP in training with BFR until 10 min
Karabulut and Garcia, 2015 34 Obese men and women HR, SBP, DBP CYC CYCLE 50 rpm 40% + BFR
60% + BFR
without BFR
50 Watts
2 Sets 10 min 1 min 40%60% Yes 5.0 ↑ > HR and SBP in BFR protocols
Sugawara et al., 2015 15 Adult men and women HR, SBP, DBP, SV, CO, TPR WALK TREADMILL 3.21 Km/h WALK + BFR
5 Sets 2 min 1 min 160 Yes ↑ > HR, SBP in protocol with BFR. SV and TPR is > for the control
Ferreira et al., 2016 21 Elderly men and women HR, SBP, DBP, DP, SV, TPR, CO WALK TREADMILL 40% VO2maxBFR
40% VO2max
70% VO2Max
Continuous 20 min 50% Yes 17.5 ↑ HR and SBP in protocols BFR. DP in the protocol HI > LI and LI+BFR
Cirilo-Sousa et al., 2017 13 Men HR, SBP, DBP RUN STATIONARY 50% HRMáx+BFR
50% HRMáx
5 Sets 2 min 1 min 80% No 18 ↑ HR, SBP and DBP in protocol with BFR
Conceição et al., 2018 12 Men HR CYC CYCLE 60–70 rpm 40% VO2Max + BFR
40% VO2Max
Continuous 30 min 80% No 18 ↑ HR in protocol AE+BFR
Thomas et al., 2018 18 Men BP, HR, CO CYC CYCLE HI
3 Sets 2 min 2 min active 80% Yes 10 ↑BP, HR, CO in protocol HI > LI + BFR and LI
BP, HR, CO in protocol LI + BFR > LI
Barilli et al., 2018 18 Elderly women HR, SBP, DBP WALK TREADMILL HIAE
Continuous 130% SBP rest Yes 9.5 HR, SBP, and DPB in protocol HIAE = LI + BFR
Silva et al., 2018 23 Men HR, SBP, DBP RUN
6 sets continuous 90 s
18 min
90 s active- 50% No 18 ↓ SBP, DPB in protocol HIIE and AE + BFR
Silva et al., 2019 22 Men HR RUNWALK TREADMILL HIIE
6 set
90 s
18 min
90 s active 50% No 18 ↑HR in protocol HIIE
But, AE + BFR > AE

BFR, blood flow restriction; HR, heart rate; BP, blood pressure; SBP, systolic blood pressure; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; TPR, total peripheral resistance; CO, cardiac output; SV, stroke volume; DP, double product; EX, exercise; FE, form of exercise; VE, velocity of exercise; RPM, rotations per minute; WALK, walking; CYC, cycling; RUN, running; CYCLE, cycle ergometer; min, minutes; s, seconds; CON, Control; PADE, pressure applied during exercise; SW, sleeve width; –, Not informed; ↑, significant increase; LI + BFR, low intensity combined with blood flow restriction; LI, low intensity; HI, high intensity.