Sampling sites, body color, and substrates color of Phrynocephalus versicolor populations. (a) Black substrate and melanic lizards in HSK (Heishan Kou), weathered yellow substrate and nonmelanic lizards in GZ (Guazhou city), EJN (Ejin Banner), and SS (Shanshan city). M1–M12 marked on the melanic lizard represent twelve color measuring points for each lizard, including cranial center (M1), top left on the back (M2), top right on the back (M3), left side on the central back (M4), right side on the central back (M5), bottom left on the back (M6), bottom right on the back (M7), tail root (M8), left forelimb (M9), right forelimb (M10), left hind limb (M11), and right hind limb (M12). (b) Map shows the sampling sites of different P. versicolor populations