There is recruitment of slowly dividing cells at the regenerating structures. A Schematic of the EdU long pulse-chase experiment. B–I’ Confocal stack projections of whole intact cydippids oriented in an aboral (B–E’) and lateral (F–I’) views after 2-h EdU pulse. White dotted rectangles in B and F delimit the apical organ (ao) (C–C’ and G–G’), tentacle bulb (tb) (D–D’ and H–H’), and comb row (cr) (E–E’ and I–I’) structures showed in higher magnification at the bottom. J–O’ Confocal stack projections of whole intact cydippids oriented in an aboral (J–L’) and lateral (M–O’) views after the 2-h EdU pulse and 5-day chase. White dotted rectangles in J and M delimit the apical organ (ao) (K–K’), tentacle bulb (tb) (L–L’ and O–O’), and pharynx (p) (N–N’) structures showed in higher magnification at the bottom. White dotted lines in L’ and O’ delimit the area corresponding to the tentacles. Note that no EdU+ cells are detected at the tentacle bulbs nor the tentacles after the 5-day chase (L–L’, O–O’) (see also Additional files 10 and 11). P–S’ Confocal stack projections of cydippids in which the apical organ was amputated after the 2-h EdU pulse and 5-day chase at 24 hpa. Aboral (P–Q’) and lateral (R–S’) views are shown. Dotted line rectangles in P and R show the area corresponding to higher magnifications on the bottom. Nuclei of S-phase cells are labeled with EdU (magenta), and all nuclei are counterstained with DAPI (blue). Scale bars = 100 μm. Abbreviations: hpa hours post amputation, ao apical organ, tb tentacle bulb, cr comb row, p pharynx