Figure 1.
Invasive ductal carcinoma grade 3 in the right breast in a 40-year-old woman at 3 T. (a) Unenhanced, (b) contrast-enhanced, and (c) maximum-intensity-projection DCE-MRI images showing irregular-shaped and marginated masses with extensive associated non-mass enhancement indicative of an extensive intraductal component in different quadrants of the right breast. (d) The index lesion demonstrates fast initial enhancement and a washout delayed phase (Type 3 curve). (e) On DWI with ADC mapping there is restricted diffusivity with decreased ADC values (0.971×10−3 mm2/s) associated with malignancy. (f) On the T2-weighted non-fat-saturated image there is associated peritumoural paraseptal oedema indicative of lymphangiosis carcinomatosa.