Intact side function after PyX is weakly affected and recovery is limited by interaction of NgR1 and PlexinA2. A, Grid walk test at indicated days before or after PyX of WT (n = 9), NgR1+/− (n = 8), PlexinA2+/− (n = 7), and NgR1+/−PlexinA2+/− (n = 7) mice. Each marker shows percentage of missed steps from average of left (intact side) forelimb and hindlimb of each animal. Error bars represent SEM. No significant differences between groups with one-way ANOVA followed by Dunnett's multiple-comparisons test. B, C, The graphs show percentage of missed step on left limbs of grid walk test at indicated days for average of each genotype (n.s., not significant,**p < 0.01, paired t test without correction for testing across 4 genotypes; Table 1; B) and individual animal of each genotype (C).