Summarized WSS scores. The top 10 species that were abundant across all individuals (n = 36) from the three data sets (control and single antibiotic data sets from Raymond et al.,8 and multiple antibiotics data set from Palleja et al.9) were selected to compare the WSS scores between every possible pair of samples per each individual. a The boxplots show the fraction of the top 10 species of each data set (C = control, S = single antibiotic, and M = multiple antibiotics) that fall into the respective color box group indicated by the horizontal color-coded bars (colors described in the main text). Values from the red and blue color box groups were merged to represent a single boxplot per each data set. The boxplots display a median (a yellow triangle), a mean (a red asterisk), interquartile range boxes. Each dot in the boxplot represents a value observed per individual in each data set, and the whiskers of the box are extended to the lowest and highest value observed in each data set. Significant differences (P value <0.05) between each data set were tested using an ANOVA followed by Tukey’s multiple-comparisons post hoc tests in R (version 3.5.1), and represented as a black asterisk above the boxplot; *P value <0.05, **P value <0.01, ***P value <0.001, n.s. = not significant (see Supplementary Data 1 for detailed values). b, c The summarized WSS scores of the top 10 species per individual from b, single antibiotic, and c multiple antibiotics data set were grouped into different color boxes (colors described in the main text). Each column in the table represents an individual and matches to the number shown in the Supplementary Data 1. WSS scores for all identified species are provided in Supplementary Data 1, and the summarized WSS scores for the control data set shown in the Supplementary Fig. 4. Additional strain profiling analysis was conducted for B. uniformis from individual #19 from Raymond et al. and for B. vulgatus from individual #3 and #11 from Palleja et al. (red outlined boxes; result from this analysis shown in Fig. 2)