Fig. 5.
Exercise-stimulated GLUT4 translocation requires NOX2 activity. a the GLUT4-myc-GFP construct was electroporated into tibialis anterior muscles of both WT and ncf1* mice. Non-permeabilized muscle fibers from exercised (20 min, 65% maximal running speed) or resting mice were stained with anti-myc antibody and imaged by confocal microscopy (n = 4 mice, a minimum of 10 fibers/muscle). Total endogenous GLUT4 and HK II were determined by western blot in the following muscles b quadriceps, c soleus, and d TA muscles in WT and ncf1* mice (n = 14). Unpaired t-test (b–d) and two-way ANOVA were performed to test for effects of exercise (Exer), genotype (Geno), and interaction (Int), followed by a Tukey’s post hoc testwith correction for multiple comparisons. * Denotes p < 0.05 for main effect. # Denotes p < 0.05 compared to the WT group. Individual values and mean ± SEM are shown. Scale bar = 20 µm. For a, source data and p values are provided in the Source Data file. For b–d, uncropped blots are provided in the Source Data file