Sex-touch responses vary by cortical area and have population structure. a Fitted βtouch of all touch and sex-touch neurons across cortical areas (axis clipped at + /−1.6, all data used for calculations, all data plotted in Supplementary Fig. 2a). Colored dots indicate neurons recorded in female (red) and male (blue) animals. In S1, firing rates of both male and female neurons were increased by social touch (median male βtouch = 0.44, pmale = 0.000018, t = 4.57, median female βtouch = 0.30, pfemale = 0.0015, Z = 3.17, male vs. female p = 0.08, Z = 1.78, and N = 79/71). In VMC, ACC, and A1, firing rates of both male and female neurons were generally decreased by touch (VMC: median male βtouch = −0.16, pmale = 0.0043, t = −2.93, median female βtouch = −0.25, pfemale = 0.0037, Z = −2.91, male vs. female p = 0.62, Z = 0.50, and N = 66/51, ACC: median male βtouch = −0.26, pmale = 0.048, t = −2.81, median female βtouch = −0.11, pfemale = 0.065, t = −1.95, male vs. female p = 0.12, t = −1.83, and N = 5/22, and A1: median male βtouch = −0.18, pmale = 0.067, t = −1.91, median female = −0.10, pfemale = 0.012, t = −2.58, male vs. female p = 0.32, t = −0.99, and N = 27/67). In PrL, neither male nor female neurons were significantly modulated as a population, and there was no difference between the sexes (median male βtouch = −0.015, pmale = 0.89, median female βtouch = −0.067, pfemale = 0.32, t = −1.02, male vs. female p = 0.76, Z = 0.31, and N = 11/20). All: t tests (pfemale, pfemale) and unpaired t test with unequal variance (male vs. female) if normal by a Lilliefors test, else Wilcoxon signed-rank tests and Mann–Whitney U test, respectively. b Modulation of activity (in fold change) during social touch with male and female conspecifics is highly correlated (VMC/S1/A1: Kendall’s τ = 0.40/0.38/0.32, all p < 10−23/10−27/10−13). Touch neurons are indicated by green dots, female/male preferring sex-touch neurons are indicated by pink/blue dots, and nonsignificant neurons are indicated by gray dots, Kendall’s τ, and p value above