American Psychological Association (Tiffany Towsend and Velma Murry) |
Cyber mentors: A training program for HIV/AIDS researchers working on health disparities |
Abs |
Postdoctoral, Early Career (all from diverse racial/ethnic groups) |
2011–2015 |
33/30 |
Pilot research; online mentoring |
Prevention |
Brown University (Amy Nunn and Timothy Flanigan) |
The brown initiative in HIV and AIDS clinical research for minority communities |
Abs |
Postdoctoral (all from diverse racial/ethnic groups) |
2008 |
42/36 |
Pilot research; Team, one-on -one mentoring |
Community-based and implementation science |
Columbia University (Nabila El-Bassel and Elwin Wu) |
HIV Intervention Science Training Program for Promising New Investigators from Underrepresented Groups (HISTP) |
Abs |
Postdoctoral (all from diverse racial/ethnic groups) |
2007 |
12/11 |
Pilot research; Team, one- on-one, online mentoring |
Implementation science, bio-behavioral intervention research |
Johns Hopkins University (Amanda Brown) |
Project pipeline Baltimore: A brain sciences program for high school students |
Abs |
High school students (all from diverse racial/ethnic groups) |
2013–2018 |
57/57 |
Shadowing research; Team, one-on-one mentoring |
Neuroscience education |
Johns Hopkins University (Justin McArthur) |
Translational Research in Neuro-AIDS and Mental Health |
Abs |
Postdoctoral Predoctoral (majority from diverse racial/ethnic groups) |
2007 |
34/28 |
Pilot research; Team, one-on-one mentoring |
Neuropathogenesis, neuroprotection, and therapeutics |
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai (Susan Morgello) |
The Mount Sinai Institute for NeuroAIDS Disparities |
Abs |
Postdoctoral Predoctoral (all from diverse racial/ethnic groups) |
2007–2017 |
16/16 |
Pilot research; Team, one-on-one, mentoring |
NeuroHIV, neuropsychology, neurology, and neuropathology |
San Francisco Department of Public Health (Fuchs/McFarland) |
Summer HIV/AIDS research program |
Abs |
Undergraduates (all from diverse racial./ethnic groups) |
2012–2017 |
24/24 |
Shadowing; pilot research, Team, one-on-one, mentoring |
Biomedical/behavioral prevention, implementation science, disparities |
University of California, San Francisco (George Rutherford) |
International Traineeships in AIDS Prevention Studies (ITAPS) |
Abs |
Postdoctoral Early career (all from low and middle income countries) |
2002 |
70/70 |
Mentor training; scientific writing and grant writing |
Psychosocial prevention and implementation science |
University of California, Los Angeles (Jesse Clark) |
South American Prevention of HIV Research Training Program (SAPHIR) |
Abs |
Predoctoral; Postdoctoral (majority from diverse racial/ethnic groups) |
2010 |
21/21 |
Pilot research; Team, one-on-one mentoring |
Global prevention (includes epidemiology, behavioral prevention, biomedical prevention, therapeutics) |
University of Puerto Rico (Carmen Zorrilla) |
University of Puerto Rico Mentoring Institute for HIV and Mental Health Research: Developmental, competency-based Mentoring for Junior Investigators |
Abs |
Predoctoral, early career; (all from diverse racial./ethnic groups) |
2008 |
15/10 |
Pilot research; Team, one-on one, and peer mentoring |
Women’s mental health; Stigma, Violence, adherence; clinical and Behavioral prevention |
University of California San Diego (Dilip Jeste) |
Sustained Training in Aging and HIV Research (STAHR) Program |
Abs |
Postdoctoral Early career (mixed racial/ethnic groups) |
2016 |
6/0 |
Group research project; Team, on line mentoring |
Aging and mental health |
University of California, San Diego (Mariana Cherner) |
Interdisciplinary Research Fellowship in NeuroAIDS |
Abs |
Postdoctoral |
2007 |
24/20 |
Research part of ongoing project; One on one and team mentoring |
Clinical and basic neuroscience |
University of California, San Francisco (Torsten Nielands) |
Training for Scientists Conducting Research to Reduce HIV/AIDS Health Disparities |
Abs |
Postdoctoral, Early career (all from diverse racial./ethnic backgrounds) |
2003 |
9/6 |
Pilot research; Team, one-on-one, online, and peer mentoring |
Prevention and treatment |
University of Puerto Rico (Carmen Zorrilla) |
University of Puerto Rico Mentoring Institute for HIV and Mental Health Research: Developmental, competency-based Mentoring for Junior Investigators |
Abs |
Early career, Predoctoral (all from diverse racial./ethnic backgrounds) |
2008 |
15/10 |
Pilot research; Team, one-on one, and peer mentoring |
Women’s mental health; Stigma, Violence, adherence |
University of Washington (Karina Walters) |
Indigenous HIV/AIDS Research Training Program |
Abs |
Early career (all from diverse racial./ethnic backgrounds) |
2009 |
17/9 |
Pilot research; team mentoring |
Psychosocial prevention |
Yale University (Trace Kershaw, Barbara Guthrie) |
Research Education for Diverse Scholars (REIDS) |
Abs |
Early career (all from diverse racial./ethnic backgrounds) |
2010 |
24/20 |
Pilot research; one-on-one and peer mentoring |
Community based implementation science |