Fig. 6.
Remodeling of the vascular surfaces during MRSA-sepsis. Venn diagrams of significant proteins hits across the organs (infected n = 12, uninfected n = 12) revealed that a total of 57 proteins were shared among all examined tissues, whereas other targets were changing in a tissue-specific fashion (a). Functional enrichment analysis using the Metascape tool indicate that biological processes related to coagulation, acute phase responses and ion hemostasis are highly enriched in the shared proteome across all organs (b). Heat map of the organ average fold-change values for all proteins in the shared category (c). Circos plot depicting the normalized fold-changes of the top 50 differential proteins across five organs (d). Each protein value is expressed as a ribbon with a unique color, the width of which corresponds to the normalized fold-change of that protein as a percentage of the summed fold-changes of all identified proteins in each tissue. Haptoglobin (Hp) is marked with an encircled number 1 to illustrate proteins displaying large induction in all tissues, whereas proteoglycan 4 (Prg4) is marked with an encircled number 2 to highlight proteins displaying very large fold-changes in a tissue-specific fashion