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. 2019 Sep 27;7(9):e12137. doi: 10.2196/12137

Table 1.

Examples from the intervention.

Type of message and time of delivery Question Answer Responses

At enrollment What would you like us to call you? Jane a

180 days after cessation date Congratulations, Jane. Today you have been smoke free for a half year!
Cessation date

At enrollment When do you intend to stop smoking? Exact date

5 days after cessation date There is no longer nicotine present in your body
Step down

10 days before cessation Would you like to do a step-down of your smoking? Yes Create a smoke free zone in your home

2 days before cessation date Are you currently working? Yes, working full time Consider which situations at work that is tempting you to smoke
Social pressure

58 days after cessation Do your friends smoke? Yes, all of them Watch out! Some of them might like it if you fail. It could make them feel better

aNot applicable.