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. 2019 Aug 26;6(3):69. doi: 10.3390/vetsci6030069

Table A3.

Clinical pathology evaluated by absolute mean values (103/µL) obtained in the counts of leukocytes, platelets and serum iron of animals vaccinated with vaccines against BVDV and BHV-1 with different commercial formulations.

Variables First Dose Second Dose
Vaccine A 2 Vaccine B 3 Vaccine C 4 Control 5 Vaccine A 2 Vaccine B 3 Vaccine C 4 Control 5
WBC 6(103/µL) 6 h 1 16.63 17.22 a 16.07 13.47 15.89 A,b,a 15.80 A,B,a 18.36 A,a 13.50 B,a
24 h 14.64 13.66 b 16.04 13.60 13.84 a 12.58 b 14.40 b 11.80 a,b
48 h 14.43 12.19 b 14.13 11.63 13.73 a 12.23 b 14.36 b 11.45 a,b
72 h 13.92 13.41 b 14.30 12.08 13.51 a 12.21 b 14.11 b 10.60 a,b
168 h 13.70 13.21 b 14.30 14.05 12.07 A,B,b 12.20 A,B,b 13.45 A,b 9.62 B,b
LYMPH 7(103/µL) 6 h 7.76 7.01 6.58 6.98 8.69 6.99 6.73 7.42
24 h 8.43 6.91 6.33 6.13 8.65 7.01 5.96 6.65
48 h 8.25 6.59 7.39 6.48 8.40 6.51 7.08 6.71
72 h 8.09 7.37 7.25 6.82 8.45 6.96 7.22 5.98
168 h 8.11 7.57 7.67 7.45 7.78 6.71 8.19 5.93
MONO 8(103/µL) 6 h 2.11 a 1.80 1.72 a,b 2.06 a 1.40 1.32 1.52 1.58
24 h 2.06 a 1.81 1.99 a 2.22 a 1.00 1.21 1.14 0.97
48 h 1.86 a,b 1.44 1.71 a,b 1.43 b 1.31 1.23 1.25 1.09
72 h 1.85 a,b 1.35 1.59 a 1.23 b 1.35 1.24 1.51 1.05
168 h 1.31 b 1.38 1.24 b 1.31 b 1.02 1.17 1.33 0.76
BAS 9(103/µL) 6 h 0.68 A,B 0.68 A,B 0.41 B 1.19 A 0.73 0.90 0.60 1.11
24 h 0.86 0.94 0.84 1.36 1.01 1.10 1.28 1.27
48 h 0.53 0.74 0.98 1.02 1.19 1.25 1.29 0.70
72 h 0.29 0.80 0.65 0.99 1.00 1.08 1.0 0.89
168 h 0.46 0.70 0.63 0.69 0.87 0.68 0.89 0.65
NEUTR 10(103/µL) 6 h 5.80 A,B,a 7.38 A,a 7.28 A,a,b 3.26 B,a,b 5.17 B,C,a 6.54 B,a 9.10 A,a 3.43 C,a,b
24 h 3.21 B,b 3.80 B,b 6.92 A,b 3.60 B,a,b 2.92 B,b 3.50 B,b 5.83 A,b,c 2.84 B,a,b
48 h 3.70 A,b 3.16 A,b 3.87 A,c 2.63 A,b 2.91 A,b 3.20 A,b 4.34 A,c 2.94 A,a,b
72 h 3.54 A,B,b 3.47 A,B,b 4.68 A,c 2.54 B,b 2.63 B,b 3.16 A,B,b 4.17 A,c 2.62 B,b
168 h 3.68 A,b 3.39 A,b 4.66 A,c 4.60 A,b 2.49 A,B,b 3.70 A,B,b 3.92 A,c 2.16 B,b
EOS 11 (103/µL) 6 h 0.54 B,a,b,c 0.60 B 0.42 B,b 1.08 A,a,b 0.75 a,b,c 0.78 0.96 a,b 0.96 a,b
24 h 0.72 B,a,b,c 0.78 B 0.74 B,a,b 1.40 A,a 1.04 a 0.98 1.39 a 1.12 a,b
48 h 0.45 b,c 0.65 1.10 a,b 1.00 a,b 1.08 a 0.99 1.44 a 0.60 b
72 h 0.29 B,c 0.73 A,B 0.70 B,a,b 1.40 A,a 0.98 a,b 0.99 1.06 a,b 0.78 a,b
168 h 0.40 b,c 0.59 0.68 a,b 0.57 b 0.78 a,b,c 0.68 0.81 a,b 0.60 b
PLAT 12(×103/µL) 6 h 214.33 A,B 333.30 A 254.20 A,B 168.17 B 246.56 221.00 208.80 188.00
24 h 263.67 251.60 235.20 251.33 225.33 227.30 209.10 155.67
48 h 205.67 275.60 193.70 259.67 204.89 228.60 191.50 178.33
72 h 220.00 253.70 285.00 264.67 219.67 A,B 241.00 A 201.60 A,B 157.17 B
168 h 238.11 266.00 235.00 252.50 207.89 246.00 237.70 163.00
Iron (µM/L) 0 h 28 A 26 A,B 23 B 32 23 A,b 27 A,a,b 25 A,a 29 A,a,b
6 h 27 A,B 26 B 21 B 35 20 A,B,b 16 B,c 14 B,b 25 A,b
24 h 29 A,B 23 B 15 C 32 21 A,B,b 19 B,b,c 12 C,b 30 A,a,b
48 h 30 A,B 26 A,B 23 B 32 33 A,b,a 27 B,a,b 14 C,b 38 A,a
72 h 28 A,B 24 B,C 21 C 33 27 A,B,a,b 26 A,B,b 24 B,a 33 A,a,b

1 h: hours; 1h: hours; 2 Vaccine A (n = 9); 3 Vaccine B (n = 10); 4 Vaccine C (n = 10); 5 Control (n = 6); 6 WBC: Total leukocytes; 7 LYMPH: Lymphocytes; 8 MONO: Monocytes; 9 BAS basophils; 10 NEUTR: Neutrophils; 11 EOS: Eosinophils; 12 PLAT: Platelets; capital letters on the same line show difference between treatments; lowercase letters in the same column show difference between times. Differences were considered significant when p ≤ 0.05.