Figure 1.
Characterization of Membrane-Enriched Samples. (A) Proteins identified by gene ontologies (GOs) as uniquely cytoplasmic, membrane, or intrinsic to membranes were quantified in both membrane and soluble fractions by peptide log2 spectral count ratio (membrane/soluble). Proteins were binned into deciles ranked by the log2(ratio) to represent the decile-specific average degree of enrichment or depletion within the membrane fraction. Only proteins with three or more peptide spectral counts were considered. VAMP2, a representative intrinsic membrane protein, was enriched in the membrane fraction, whereas the peripheral membrane protein ROCK2 was among proteins depleted in the membrane compared to the soluble fraction. The presynaptic protein GAP43 was also enriched in membrane fraction. (B) Western blots of total and phosphorylated (pSer41) GAP43 in total brain homogenate, soluble, and membrane fractions were performed on the 6 control samples. The left panel depicts the blot from two representative cases, while the right panel shows the quantified densitometry totals for all 6 cases. Enrichment of both phosphorylated and unmodified GAP43 was observed in the membrane fraction. Abbreviations: WB, Western Blot.