Light source | Tasks |
Strobe | Sustain /i/ at comfortable pitch/loudness |
Soft /i/ | |
Loud /i/ | |
High pitch /i/ | |
Low pitch /i/ | |
Loudness glides (soft→loud→soft) | |
Vocal diadochokinesis (DDK) maneuvers: /ihi ihi ihi ihi/, /isi isi isi isi/, /i/-sniff-/i/-sniff-/i/-sniff |
Sing happy birthday | |
Sing warmups with melisma (i.e., do-mi-re-fa-mi-so etc, all on /i/) | |
Pitch glides (low→high and high→low) x 2 | |
Halogen | Loudness glides (soft→loud→soft) |
Vocal diadochokinesis (DDK) maneuvers: /ihi ihi ihi ihi/, /isi isi isi isi/, /i/-sniff-/i/-sniff-/i/-sniff |
Sing happy birthday | |
Sing warmups with melisma (i.e., do-mi-re-fa-mi-so etc, all on /i/) | |
Pitch glides (low→high and high→low) x 2 |