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. 2015 Jun 30;2015(6):CD005314. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD005314.pub3
# Query Results
S78 S76 AND S77 514
S77 EM 201202‐
Exclude MEDLINE records
S76 S73 or S74
Exclude MEDLINE records
S75 S73 or S74 5,608
S74 S24 and (S40 or S58) and S72 5,368
S73 S12 and S72 417
S72 S59 or S60 or S61 or S62 or S63 or S64 or S65 or S66 or S67 or S68 or S69 or S70 or S71 1,076,806
S71 TI ( (intervention* or controlled or control W0 group* or compare or compared or before N5 after or pre N5 post or pretest or "pre test" or posttest or "post test" or quasiexperiment* or quasi W0 experiment* or evaluat* or effect or impact or "time series" or time W0 point* or repeated W0 measur*) ) OR AB ( (intervention* or controlled or control W0 group* or compare or compared or before N5 after or pre N5 post or pretest or "pre test" or posttest or "post test" or quasiexperiment* or quasi W0 experiment* or evaluat* or effect or impact or "time series" or time W0 point* or repeated W0 measur*) ) 600,150
S70 TI ( randomis* or randomiz* or random* W0 allocat* ) OR AB ( randomis* or randomiz* or random* W0 allocat*) 75,701
S69 (MH "Health Services Research") 6,625
S68 (MH "Multicenter Studies") 7,887
S67 (MH "Quasi‐Experimental Studies+") 7,262
S66 (MH "Pretest‐Posttest Design+") 22,840
S65 (MH "Experimental Studies") 13,192
S64 (MH "Nonrandomized Trials") 143
S63 (MH "Intervention Trials") 5,180
S62 (MH "Clinical Trials") 79,824
S61 (MH "Randomized Controlled Trials") 18,517
S60 PT research 872,561
S59 PT clinical trial 51,255
S58 S41 or S42 or S43 or S44 or S45 or S46 or S47 or S48 or S49 or S50 or S51 or S52 or S53 or S54 or S55 or S56 or S57 181,609
S57 TI transitional W0 countr* OR AB transitional W0 countr* 29
S56 TI ( lmic or lmics or third W0 world or lami W0 countr* ) OR AB ( lmic or lmics or third W0 world or lami W0 countr*) 400
S55 TI low N3 middle N3 countr* OR AB low N3 middle N3 countr* 794
S54 TI ( low* W0 (gdp or gnp or gross W0 domestic or gross W0 national) ) OR AB ( low* W0 (gdp or gnp or gross W0 domestic or gross W0 national) ) 14
S53 TI ( (developing or less* W0 developed or under W0 developed or underdeveloped or middle W0 income or low* W0 income) W0 (economy or economies) ) OR AB ( (developing or less* W0 developed or under W0 developed or underdeveloped or middle W0 income or low* W0 income) W0 (economy or economies) ) 38
S52 TI ( (developing or less* W0 developed or under W0 developed or underdeveloped or middle W0 income or low* W0 income or underserved or under W0 served or deprived or poor*) W0 (countr* or nation or nations or population* or world or area or areas) ) OR AB ( (developing or less* W0 developed or under W0 developed or underdeveloped or middle W0 income or low* W0 income or underserved or under W0 served or deprived or poor*) W0 (countr* or nation or nations or population* or world or area or areas) ) 9,522
S51 MW (Afghanistan or Bangladesh or Benin or "Burkina Faso" or Burundi or Cambodia or "Central African Republic" or Chad or Comoros or Congo or "Cote d'Ivoire" or Eritrea or Ethiopia or Gambia or Ghana or Guinea or Haiti or India or Kenya or Korea or Kyrgyz or Kyrgyzstan or Lao or Laos or Liberia or Madagascar or Malawi or Mali or Mauritania or Melanesia or Mongolia or Mozambique or Burma or Myanmar or Nepal or Niger or Nigeria or Pakistan or Rwanda or "Salomon Islands" or "Sao Tome" or Senegal or "Sierra Leone" or Somalia or Sudan or Tajikistan or Tanzania or Timor or Togo or Uganda or Uzbekistan or Vietnam or "Viet Nam" or Yemen or Zambia or Zimbabwe ) or TI ( Afghanistan or Bangladesh or Benin or "Burkina Faso" or Burundi or Cambodia or "Central African Republic" or Chad or Comoros or Congo or "Cote d'Ivoire" or Eritrea or Ethiopia or Gambia or Ghana or Guinea or Haiti or India or Kenya or Korea or Kyrgyz or Kyrgyzstan or Lao or Laos or Liberia or Madagascar or Malawi or Mali or Mauritania or Melanesia or Mongolia or Mozambique or Burma or Myanmar or Nepal or Niger or Nigeria or Pakistan or Rwanda or "Salomon Islands" or "Sao Tome" or Senegal or "Sierra Leone" or Somalia or Sudan or Tajikistan or Tanzania or Timor or Togo or Uganda or Uzbekistan or Vietnam or "Viet Nam" or Yemen or Zambia or Zimbabwe ) or AB ( Afghanistan or Bangladesh or Benin or "Burkina Faso" or Burundi or Cambodia or "Central African Republic" or Chad or Comoros or Congo or "Cote d'Ivoire" or Eritrea or Ethiopia or Gambia or Ghana or Guinea or Haiti or India or Kenya or Korea or Kyrgyz or Kyrgyzstan or Lao or Laos or Liberia or Madagascar or Malawi or Mali or Mauritania or Melanesia or Mongolia or Mozambique or Burma or Myanmar or Nepal or Niger or Nigeria or Pakistan or Rwanda or "Salomon Islands" or "Sao Tome" or Senegal or "Sierra Leone" or Somalia or Sudan or Tajikistan or Tanzania or Timor or Togo or Uganda or Uzbekistan or Vietnam or "Viet Nam" or Yemen or Zambia or Zimbabwe) 39,830
S50 MW (Albania or Algeria or Angola or Armenia or Azerbaijan or Belarus or Bhutan or Bolivia or Bosnia or Herzegovina or "Cape Verde" or Cameroon or China or Colombia or Congo or Cuba or Djibouti or "Dominican Republic" or Ecuador or Egypt or "El Salvador" or Fiji or Gaza or Georgia or Guam or Guatemala or Guyana or Honduras or "Indian Ocean Islands" or Indonesia or Iran or Iraq or Jamaica or Jordan or Kiribati or Lesotho or Macedonia or Maldives or "Marshall Islands" or Micronesia or "Middle East" or Moldova or Morocco or Namibia or Nicaragua or Palestin* or Paraguay or Peru or Philippines or Samoa or "Sri Lanka" or Suriname or Swaziland or Syria or "Syrian Arab Republic" or Thailand or Tonga or Tunisia or Turkmenistan or Ukraine or Vanuatu or "West Bank" ) or TI ( Albania or Algeria or Angola or Armenia or Azerbaijan or Belarus or Bhutan or Bolivia or Bosnia or Herzegovina or "Cape Verde" or Cameroon or China or Colombia or Congo or Cuba or Djibouti or "Dominican Republic" or Ecuador or Egypt or "El Salvador" or Fiji or Gaza or Georgia or Guam or Guatemala or Guyana or Honduras or "Indian Ocean Islands" or Indonesia or Iran or Iraq or Jamaica or Jordan or Kiribati or Lesotho or Macedonia or Maldives or "Marshall Islands" or Micronesia or "Middle East" or Moldova or Morocco or Namibia or Nicaragua or Palestin* or Paraguay or Peru or Philippines or Samoa or "Sri Lanka" or Suriname or Swaziland or Syria or "Syrian Arab Republic" or Thailand or Tonga or Tunisia or Turkmenistan or Ukraine or Vanuatu or "West Bank" ) or AB ( Albania or Algeria or Angola or Armenia or Azerbaijan or Belarus or Bhutan or Bolivia or Bosnia or Herzegovina or "Cape Verde" or Cameroon or China or Colombia or Congo or Cuba or Djibouti or "Dominican Republic" or Ecuador or Egypt or "El Salvador" or Fiji or Gaza or Georgia or Guam or Guatemala or Guyana or Honduras or "Indian Ocean Islands" or Indonesia or Iran or Iraq or Jamaica or Jordan or Kiribati or Lesotho or Macedonia or Maldives or "Marshall Islands" or Micronesia or "Middle East" or Moldova or Morocco or Namibia or Nicaragua or Palestin* or Paraguay or Peru or Philippines or Samoa or "Sri Lanka" or Suriname or Swaziland or Syria or "Syrian Arab Republic" or Thailand or Tonga or Tunisia or Turkmenistan or Ukraine or Vanuatu or "West Bank") 44,109
S49 MW ("American Samoa" or Argentina or Belize or Botswana or Brazil or Brasil or Bulgaria or Chile or Comoros or "Costa Rica" or Croatia or Dominica or Guinea or Gabon or Grenada or Grenadines or Hungary or Kazakhstan or Latvia or Lebanon or Libia or libyan or Libya or Lithuania or Malaysia or Mauritius or Mayotte or Mexico or Micronesia or Montenegro or Nevis or "Northern Mariana Islands" or Oman or Palau or Panama or Poland or Romania or Russia or "Russian Federation" or Samoa or "Saint Lucia" or "St Lucia" or "Saint Kitts" or "St Kitts" or "Saint Vincent" or "St Vincent" or Serbia or Seychelles or Slovakia or "Slovak Republic" or "South Africa" or Turkey or Uruguay or Venezuela or Yugoslavia ) or TI ( "American Samoa" or Argentina or Belize or Botswana or Brazil or Bulgaria or Chile or Comoros or "Costa Rica" or Croatia or Dominica or Guinea or Gabon or Grenada or Grenadines or Hungary or Kazakhstan or Latvia or Lebanon or Libia or libyan or Libya or Lithuania or Malaysia or Mauritius or Mayotte or Mexico or Micronesia or Montenegro or Nevis or "Northern Mariana Islands" or Oman or Palau or Panama or Poland or Romania or Russia or "Russian Federation" or Samoa or "Saint Lucia" or "St Lucia" or "Saint Kitts" or "St Kitts" or "Saint Vincent" or "St Vincent" or Serbia or Seychelles or Slovakia or "Slovak Republic" or "South Africa" or Turkey or Uruguay or Venezuela or Yugoslavia ) or AB ( "American Samoa" or Argentina or Belize or Botswana or Brazil or Bulgaria or Chile or Comoros or "Costa Rica" or Croatia or Dominica or Guinea or Gabon or Grenada or Grenadines or Hungary or Kazakhstan or Latvia or Lebanon or Libia or libyan or Libya or Lithuania or Malaysia or Mauritius or Mayotte or Mexico or Micronesia or Montenegro or Nevis or "Northern Mariana Islands" or Oman or Palau or Panama or Poland or Romania or Russia or "Russian Federation" or Samoa or "Saint Lucia" or "St Lucia" or "Saint Kitts" or "St Kitts" or "Saint Vincent" or "St Vincent" or Serbia or Seychelles or Slovakia or "Slovak Republic" or "South Africa" or Turkey or Uruguay or Venezuela or Yugoslavia) 53,913
S48 TI ( (Africa or Asia or "South America" or "Latin America" or "Central America") ) OR AB ( (Africa or Asia or "South America" or "Latin America" or "Central America") ) 11,841
S47 (MH "Asia+") 84,896
S46 (MH "West Indies+") 4,675
S45 (MH "South America+") 22,262
S44 (MH "Latin America") 1,116
S43 (MH "Central America+") 1,942
S42 (MH "Africa+") 27,922
S41 (MH "Developing Countries") 8,157
S40 S25 or S26 or S27 or S28 or S29 or S30 or S31 or S32 or S33 or S34 or S35 or S36 or S37 or S38 or S39 27,535
S39 TI ( (shortage or understaffed or under W0 staffed) N3 (area or areas) ) OR AB ( (shortage or understaffed or under W0 staffed) N3 (area or areas) ) 119
S38 TI ( (rural or remote or nonmetropolitan or non W0 metropolitan or suburb* or village*) N3 (clinic or clinics or hospital or hospitals or facility or facilities or health* W0 center or health* W0 centers or health* W0 centre or health* W0 centres or health care center or health care centers or health care centre or health care centres or medical center or medical centers or medical centre or medical centres) ) OR AB ( (rural or remote or nonmetropolitan or non W0 metropolitan or suburb* or village*) N3 (clinic or clinics or hospital or hospitals or facility or facilities or health* W0 center or health* W0 centers or health* W0 centre or health* W0 centres or health care center or health care centers or health care centre or health care centres or medical center or medical centers or medical centre or medical centres) ) 2,537
S37 TI ( (rural or remote or nonmetropolitan or non W0 metropolitan or suburb* or middle W0 income or low* W0 income or underserved or under W0 served or deprived or poor or village*) N3 population* ) OR AB ( (rural or remote or nonmetropolitan or non W0 metropolitan or suburb* or middle W0 income or low* W0 income or underserved or under W0 served or deprived or poor or village*) N3 population* ) 3,146
S36 TI ( (rural or remote or nonmetropolitan or non W0 metropolitan or suburb* or developing or less* W0 developed or under W0 developed or underdeveloped or middle W0 income or low* W0 income or underserved or under W0 served or deprived or poor) N3 (communit* or area or areas or village* or region or regions or province* or setting*) ) OR AB ( (rural or remote or nonmetropolitan or non W0 metropolitan or suburb* or developing or less* W0 developed or under W0 developed or underdeveloped or middle W0 income or low* W0 income or underserved or under W0 served or deprived or poor) N3 (communit* or area or areas or village* or region or regions or province* or setting*) ) 14,046
S35 TI ( rural W0 (health* or medical care or medical service*) ) OR AB ( rural W0 (health* or medical care or medical service*) ) 1,384
S34 (MH "Medically Underserved") 1,768
S33 (MH "Rural Population") 1,863
S32 (MH "Medically Underserved Area") 867
S31 (MH "Suburban Health") 9
S30 (MH "Frontier Nursing Service") 554
S29 (MH "Rural Health Nursing") 1,584
S28 (MH "Hospitals, Rural") 1,628
S27 (MH "Rural Health Centers") 114
S26 (MH "Rural Health Services") 3,650
S25 (MH "Rural Health") 3,309
S24 S19 or S20 or S21 or S22 or S23 92,259
S23 TI ( ((client N1 staff) or (patient N1 staff) or (patient N1 nurse) W0 (ratio or ratios)) ) OR AB ( ((client N1 staff) or (patient N1 staff) or (patient N1 nurse) W0 (ratio or ratios)) ) 1,731
S22 TI ( (increas* or expand* or enlarge* or extend or enhanc*) N3 (nurse or nurses or midwife or midwives or physician* or clinician* or doctor* or practitioner* or dentist* or "dental staff" or pharmacist* or dietician* or nutritionist* or psychologist* or occupational W0 therapist* or physiotherapist* or physical W0 therapist* or speech W0 therapist* or language W0 therapist* or logopaedist* or logopedist* or speech W0 pathologist* or language W0 pathologist* or audiologist* or internist* or paediatrician* or pediatrician* or ophthalmologist* or surgeon* or radiographer* or radiologist* or optometrist* or personnel or worker or workers or staff or professional* or provider* or manpower or "man power" or "human resources" or workforce*) ) OR AB ( (increas* or expand* or enlarge* or extend or enhanc*) N3 (nurse or nurses or midwife or midwives or physician* or clinician* or doctor* or practitioner* or dentist* or "dental staff" or pharmacist* or dietician* or nutritionist* or psychologist* or occupational W0 therapist* or physiotherapist* or physical W0 therapist* or speech W0 therapist* or language W0 therapist* or logopaedist* or logopedist* or speech W0 pathologist* or language W0 pathologist* or audiologist* or internist* or paediatrician* or pediatrician* or ophthalmologist* or surgeon* or radiographer* or radiologist* or optometrist* or personnel or worker or workers or staff or professional* or provider or manpower or "man power" or "human resources" or workforce*) ) 14,948
S21 TI ( (density or turnover or "turn over" or brain W0 drain* or shortage or understaffed or "under staffed" or (inequit* N2 distribut*) or (inequal* N2 distribut*) or maldistribut* or mal W0 distribut* or management or allocation) N2 (nurse or nurses or midwife or midwives or physician* or clinician* or doctor* or practitioner* or dentist* or "dental staff" or pharmacist* or dietician* or nutritionist* or psychologist* or occupational W0 therapist* or physiotherapist* or physical W0 therapist* or speech W0 therapist* or language W0 therapist* or logopaedist* or logopedist* or speech W0 pathologist* or language W0 pathologist* or audiologist* or internist* or paediatrician* or pediatrician* or ophthalmologist* or surgeon* or radiographer* or radiologist* or optometrist* or personnel or worker or workers or staff or professional* or provider* or manpower or "man power" or "human resources" or workforce*) ) OR AB ( (density or turnover or "turn over" or brain W0 drain* or shortage or understaffed or "under staffed" or (inequit* N2 distribut*) or (inequal* N2 distribut*) or maldistribut* or mal W0 distribut* or management or allocation) N2 (nurse or nurses or midwife or midwives or physician* or clinician* or doctor* or practitioner* or dentist* or "dental staff" or pharmacist* or dietician* or nutritionist* or psychologist* or occupational W0 therapist* or physiotherapist* or physical W0 therapist* or speech W0 therapist* or language W0 therapist* or logopaedist* or logopedist* or speech W0 pathologist* or language W0 pathologist* or audiologist* or internist* or paediatrician* or pediatrician* or ophthalmologist* or surgeon* or radiographer* or radiologist* or optometrist* or personnel or worker or workers or staff or professional* or provider or manpower or "man power" or "human resources" or workforce*) ) 8,972
S20 TI ( recruit* or retain* or retention or "scale up" or "scaling up") N6 (nurse or nurses or midwife or midwives or physician* or clinician* or doctor* or practitioner* or dentist* or "dental staff" or pharmacist* or dietician* or nutritionist* or psychologist* or occupational W0 therapist* or physiotherapist* or physical W0 therapist* or speech W0 therapist* or language W0 therapist* or logopaedist* or logopedist* or speech W0 pathologist* or language W0 pathologist* or audiologist* or internist* or paediatrician* or pediatrician* or ophthalmologist* or surgeon* or radiographer* or radiologist* or optometrist* or personnel or worker or workers or staff or professional* or provider or manpower or "man power" or "human resources" or workforce* ) OR AB ( recruit* or retain* or retention or "scale up" or "scaling up") N6 (nurse or nurses or midwife or midwives or physician* or clinician* or doctor* or practitioner* or dentist* or "dental staff" or pharmacist* or dietician* or nutritionist* or psychologist* or occupational W0 therapist* or physiotherapist* or physical W0 therapist* or speech W0 therapist* or language W0 therapist* or logopaedist* or logopedist* or speech W0 pathologist* or language W0 pathologist* or audiologist* or internist* or paediatrician* or pediatrician* or ophthalmologist* or surgeon* or radiographer* or radiologist* or optometrist* or personnel or worker or workers or staff or professional* or provider* or manpower or "man power" or "human resources" or workforce* ) 7,025
S19 S15 and S18 67,442
S18 S16 or S17 167,282
S17 (MH "Health Resource Allocation") 5,754
S16 (MH "Personnel Management+") 162,039
S15 S13 or S14 328,995
S14 (MH "Health Manpower+") 312,565
S13 (MH "Health Personnel+") 306,976
S12 S1 or S2 or S3 or S4 or S5 or S6 or S7 or S8 or S9 or S10 or S11 800
S11 TI "human resources for health" OR AB "human resources for health" 98
S10 (MH "Resource Allocation/MA") 2
S9 (MH "Health Resource Allocation/MA") 1
S8 (MH "Medically Underserved Area/MA") 2
S7 (MH "Frontier Nursing Service/MA") 3
S6 (MH "Services for Australian Rural and Remote Allied Health") 2
S5 (MH "Rural Health Nursing/MA") 26
S4 (MH "Hospitals, Rural/MA") 32
S3 (MH "Rural Health Centers/MA") 1
S2 (MH "Rural Health Personnel") 424
S1 (MH "Rural Health Services/MA") 227