Figure 2. C. albicans provides S. gordonii antibiotic tolerance in planktonic co-cultures.
(A) Schematic of culture conditions and antibiotic treatment. (B) CFUs (Mean+/-SD) of S. gordonii in mono and dual cultures with C. albicans, in the presence or absence of ampicillin. At 4 h, a significant difference was found between the positive control (S. gordonii. + ampicillin) and negative control (C. albicans. + S. gordonii, no ampicillin) and between the test group (C. albicans + S. gordonii. + ampicillin) and positive control group. No significant differences between the groups were found at 8 h. Statistical significance was observed between all groups at 6 h ( p < 0.05) using ANOVA with results adjusted post-hoc using Tukey’s Test. (C) CFUs (Mean ±SD) of S. gordonii in mono and dual cultures with C. albicans, with and without erythromycin at 6 h time point. There was no significant difference between S. gordonii survival with and without erythromycin when C. albicans was present. However, significantly increased killing was observed when S. gordonii was present alone. Three replicates were used for each experimental group and a minimum of two repeats were performed for each experiment. Statistical analysis was done using Student’s t-Test (p < 0.05).