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. 2019 Jul 18;8(11):e1638212. doi: 10.1080/2162402X.2019.1638212

Table 1.

Overview of clinical trials currently testing dendritic cell-based immunotherapy in cancer patients.

Strategy Indication Phase Status TAA(s) Combinatorial treatment Reference
Autologous DCs Breast cancer I/II Recruiting n.a. Neoadjuvant chemotherapy NCT03450044
Colorectal carcinoma I/II Recruiting n.a. Avelumab NCT03152565
Hepatocellular carcinoma I/II Recruiting n.a. Trans-arterialchemoembolization NCT03086564
NSCLC I Recruiting n.a. Pembrolizumab NCT03546361
Prostate cancer I/II Recruiting n.a. GNRH1 agonist and central memory T cells NCT03085966
Solid tumors I Not yet recruiting n.a. Single agent NCT03638765
I Recruiting n.a. Avelumab, ipilimumab and nivolumab NCT03707808
I Not yet recruiting n.a. Anti-PD1 antibody NCT03815084
Autologous DCs loaded with tumor cell lysate Breast cancer I Unknown Tumor lysate Single agent NCT03113019
Colorectal carcinoma I Recruiting Tumor lysate Single agent NCT03214939
Glioblastoma II Recruiting Tumor lysate Standard therapy NCT03395587
I Not yet recruiting Tumor lysate Single agent NCT03360708
Gastric cancer II Recruiting Tumor lysate Single agent NCT03410732
Melanoma I Not yet recruiting Tumor lysate Anti-PD-1 antibody NCT03743298
I/II Recruiting Tumor lysate Pembrolizumab NCT03325101
I Not yet recruiting Tumor lysate Single agent NCT03803397
Mesothelioma II/III Recruiting Tumor lysate. Best supportive care NCT03610360
I Not yet recruiting Tumor lysate Pembrolizumab and IL2 NCT03546426
Ovarian cancer I/II Not yet recruiting Tumor lysate Autologous NK cell-like CTLs NCT03735589
II Active, not recruiting n.a. Standard of care chemotherapy NCT03657966
Renal cell carcinoma II Withdrawn Tumor lysate Boost radiotherapy and high-dose IL2 NCT03226236
Solid tumors I Recruiting Tumor lysate Single agent NCT03671720
Autologous DCs transfected or pulsed with TAA-coding RNA(s) Acute myeloid leukemia I/II Recruiting WT1 Single agent NCT03083054
Glioblastoma I Recruiting Tumor-derived mRNA TTRNA-xALT, temozolomide, and autologous hematopoietic stem cells NCT03334305
I Recruiting Tumor-derived mRNA TTRNA-xALT, temozolomide, lymphodepletive conditioning and autologous hematopoietic stem cells NCT03396575
II/III Recruiting Survivin and TERT Temozolomide NCT03548571
I Active, not recruiting CMV pp65 Tetanus toxoid NCT03615404
II Not yet recruiting CMV pp65 Temozolomide, varlilumab, and tetanus-diphtheria vaccine NCT03688178
NSCLC I Recruiting TERT Single agent NCT03371485
Autologous DCs loaded with recombinant TAAs or TAA-derived peptide(s) Acute myeloid leukemia I Recruiting WT1 or EPS8 CAR-expressing T cells NCT03291444
Breast cancer I Recruiting ERBB2 Neoadjuvant chemotherapy NCT03387553
II Recruiting IGFBP2, ERBB2, and IGF1R DNA-based vaccine NCT03384914
II Recruiting ERBB2 Single agent NCT03630809
Colorectal carcinoma I Recruiting Mutated peptides Single agent NCT03730948
Gastric cancer I Not yet recruiting Tumor peptide pool Anti-PD-1 antibody NCT03393416
Glioblastoma II Recruiting Autologous TAAs Single agent NCT03400917
Hepatocellular carcinoma I Recruiting Personalized neoantigen Microwave ablation NCT03674073
Lung Cancer II Recruiting TP53 Nivolumab and Ipilimumab NCT03406715
Melanoma I Recruiting Melanoma tumor-specific peptides Cyclophosphamide and pembrolizumab NCT03092453
Myeloma I Not yet recruiting DKK1-derived peptide Single agent NCT03591614
Nasopharyngeal cancer I Recruiting EBV proteins Single agent NCT03282617
Pancreatic cancer I Recruiting Mutant KRAS peptides Single agent NCT03592888
Prostate cancer I/II Active, not recruiting MUC1- and WT1-derived peptides Standard therapy NCT03114631
III Recruiting ACPP Single agent NCT03686683
I/II Recruiting Pdcd1-/- T Cells NCT03525652
Solid tumors n.a. Not yet recruiting TAAs Cyclophosphamide NCT03185429
II Recruiting Immunogenic neoantigens Single agent NCT03300843
Autologous DC-CIK combinations Lung cancer I/II Recruiting n.a. Anti-PD-1 antibody NCT03360630
Mesothelioma I/II Recruiting n.a. Anti-PD-1 antibody and hyperthermia NCT03393858
Neoplasms I/II Recruiting n.a. Anti-PD-1 antibody NCT03190811
NSCLC I Not yet recruiting Dribbles Single agent or with imiquimod/GM-CSF NCT03057340
Renal cell carcinoma II Recruiting n.a. Axitinib and anti-PD-1 antibody NCT03736330
Solid tumors I/II Recruiting n.a. Chemotherapy NCT03047525
I Not yet recruiting n.a. Anti-PD-1 antibody NCT03815630
Allogenic DCs Acute myeloid leukemia II Recruiting n.a. Single agent NCT03697707
Solid tumors I/II Recruiting n.a. Pembrolizumab NCT03735290
DC-cancer cell fusions Acute myeloid leukemia II Recruiting n.a. Single agent NCT03059485
I Recruiting n.a. Decitabine NCT03679650
Multiple myeloma II Not yet recruiting n.a. Nivolumab NCT03782064

Abbreviations: ACPP, acid phosphatase, prostate; CAR, chimeric antigen receptor; CIK, cytokine-induced killer; CMV pp65, cytomegalovirus 65 kDa phosphoprotein; CTL, cytotoxic T lymphocyte; DC, dendritic cell; DKK1, dickkopf WNT signaling pathway inhibitor 1; EBV, Epstein-Barr virus; EPS8, epidermal growth factor receptor kinase substrate 8; ERBB2, erb-b2 receptor tyrosine kinase 2; GNRH1, gonadotropin releasing hormone 1; IGF1R, insulin like growth factor 1 receptor; IGFBP2, insulin-like growth factor binding protein 2; IL, interleukin; KRAS, KRAS proto-oncogene, GTPase; MUC1, mucin 1, cell surface associated; n.a., not applicable; NK, natural killer; NSCLC, non-small cell lung cancer; PD-1 (official name PDCD1), programmed cell death 1; TAA, tumor-associated antigen; TERT, telomerase reverse transcriptase; TTRNA-xALT, total tumor RNA-autologous lymphocyte transfer; WT1, WT1 transcription factor.