Fig 1. Conditional in vitro treatments of B. pahangi adult worms.
A. The wsp copy number per worm in adult males after a 6-day treatment was measured by qPCR. The copy number reflects the abundance of bacteria in treated and control worms (***–p<0.001). B. Relative changes in the concentration of pyruvate within the worms measured after 1 and 6 days of treatment. Amount of pyruvate is expressed as μg per ml per worm. ***–p<0.001 as compared to relevant control (day 1 or day 6). C. Relative number of Mf released from treated females during the last 2 days of the 6-day treatment. Number of Mf released from control was assigned as 100%. ***–p<0.001 as compared to control and xxx–p<0.001 as compared to M+3BrPyr group. D. Viability of females treated for 6 days. The viability of control worms was taken as 100%. ***–p<0.001 as compared to control and xxx–p<0.001 as compared to M+3BrPyr group. E. Relative gene expression of wBm0209 and wBm0207 genes in treated worms. The analysis showed that treatment with sodium pyruvate induced the expression of bacterial genes as compared to control (***–p<0.001). M–medium control; M+NaPyr–treatment with sodium pyruvate; M+3BrPyr–treatment with 3BromoPyruvate; M+3BrPyr+NaPyr–treatment with 3BromoPyruvate and sodium pyruvate.