Figure 6. Imp and Syp antagonistically regulate the growth and heterogeneity of prosRNAi tumors.
(A) Syp knockdown in poxn > prosRNAi tumors triggers a dramatic increase of Chinmo+Imp+ tNBs. tNBs are marked with an anti-Mira antibody. (B) Proportion of Chinmo+Imp+ tNBs in poxn > prosRNAi (n = 6 VNC) and poxn > prosRNAi, SypRNAi (n = 6 VNC) tumors in 4-day-old adults. p=0.0022. (C) Simulation of tumor growth (number of cells) in prosKD and prosKD, SypKD (red) tumors. Quiescence probabilities are those set by the error minimization. (D) Volume of poxn > prosRNAi (n = 6 VNC) and poxn > prosRNAi, SypRNAi (n = 6 VNC) tumors in 1-day-old adults. p=0.002. Volume of poxn > prosRNAi (n = 7 VNC) and poxn > prosRNAi, SypRNAi (n = 4 VNC) tumors in 4-day-old adults. p=0.0061. (E) Volume of poxn > prosRNAi tumors in 3-day-old (n = 10 VNC) and 8-day-old (n = 6 VNC) adults. p=0.00025. Volume of poxn > prosRNAi (n = 10 VNC) and poxn > prosRNAi, UAS-Syp (n = 8 VNC) tumors in 3-day-old adults. p=0.0005. Volume of poxn > prosRNAi (n = 6 VNC) and poxn > prosRNAi, UAS-Syp (n = 8 VNC) tumors in 8-day-old adults. p=0.00067. Volume of poxn > prosRNAi, SypOE tumors in 3-day-old (n = 8 VNC) and 8-day-old (n = 8 VNC) adults. p=0.7209. (F) Volume of poxn > prosRNAi, SypRNAi (n = 6 VNC) and poxn > prosRNAi, ImpRNAi, SypRNAi (n = 9 VNC) tumors in 4-day-old adults. p=0.0004.