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. 2019 Sep 30;7(9):e13238. doi: 10.2196/13238

Table 3.

Secondary analysis: Continued use of devices for participants who were initially able to connect to the devices during the first month. The n (%) values are given with regard to baseline device connection.

Device On-site (N=101) Remote (N=93) Difference in proportion of continued device use between study arms

Baseline connection, n Third month device use, n (% baseline) Fifth month device use, n (% baseline)a Baseline connection, n Third month device use, n (% baseline) Fifth month device use, n (% baseline) Mean percentage difference between study arms in baseline connection rate (95% CI) Mean percentage difference between study arms in fifth month device use rate (95% CI)

Fitbit device 100 87 (86) 79 (79) 69 63 (91) 54 (78) −4 (−14 to 6) 1 (−12 to 14)
iHealth blood pressure cuff 96 70 (69) 54 (56) 68 44 (65) 40 (59) 8 (−6 to 23) −3 (−18 to 13)
iHealth scale 96 70 (69) 57 (59) 70 43 (61) 40 (57) 11 (−3 to 26) 2 (−13 to 17)
AliveCor 85 67 (66) 54 (64) 38 32 (84) 33 (87) −5 (−9 to 11) −23 (−37 to −6)

aA total of 4 participants in the on-site arm did not have the opportunity to participate for the full 5 months owing to study termination.