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. 2019 Feb 11;111(10):1097–1103. doi: 10.1093/jnci/djz015

Table 1.

Demographic and reproductive characteristics of included women, by final hysterectomy status recorded 1970–2015

Characteristic No hysterectomy (N = 733 832) Hysterectomy contributing exposed time* (N = 78 594) Hysterectomy contributing no exposed time (N = 25 516)
No. (%) No. (%) No. (%)
Age at study entry, y
 <30 385 380 (52.5) 12 054 (15.3) 5428 (21.3)
 30 to <40 159 300 (21.7) 23 759 (30.2) 7840 (30.7)
 40 to <50 107 808 (14.7) 26 584 (33.8) 8159 (32.0)
 50 to <60 66 378 (9.0) 14 794 (18.8) 3690 (14.5)
 60 to <70 12 870 (1.8) 1331 (1.7) 373 (1.5)
 ≥70 2096 (0.3) 72 (0.1) 26 (0.1)
Tubal ligation at end of observation
 No 672 377 (91.6) 62 509 (79.5) 20 677 (81.0)
 Yes 61 455 (8.4) 16 085 (20.5) 4839 (19.0)
Parity at end of observation
 0 342 192 (46.6) 21 170 (26.9) 8481 (33.2)
 1 62 582 (8.5) 6272 (8.0) 2176 (8.5)
 2 142 476 (19.4) 19 240 (24.5) 6268 (24.6)
 ≥3 186 582 (25.4) 31 912 (40.6) 8591 (33.7)
 No 713 013 (97.2) 59 725 (76.0) 16 334 (64.0)
 Yes 20 819 (2.8) 18 869 (24.0) 9182 (36.0)
 No 721 137 (98.3) 54 977 (70.0) 14 421 (56.5)
 Yes 12 695 (1.7) 23 617 (30.0) 11 095 (43.5)
 No 715 643 (97.5) 46 408 (59.0) 20 139 (78.9)
 Yes 18 189 (2.5) 32 186 (41.0) 5377 (21.1)
Socio-economic disadvantage score (SEIFA) quintile at study entry§
 1 (most disadvantaged) 122 758 (16.7) 14 213 (18.1) 4590 (18.0)
 2 160 028 (21.8) 21 514 (27.4) 6364 (24.9)
 3 98 783 (13.5) 9912 (12.6) 3202 (12.5)
 4 118 065 (16.1) 10 863 (13.8) 3577 (14.0)
 5 (least disadvantaged) 232 575 (31.7) 21 847 (27.8) 7722 (30.3)
Remoteness at study entry§
 Major cities 548 088 (74.7) 55 110 (70.1) 19 248 (75.4)
 Inner regional 63 417 (8.6) 7880 (10.0) 2108 (8.3)
 Outer regional 63 584 (8.7) 8811 (11.2) 2074 (8.1)
 Remote 36 015 (4.9) 4295 (5.5) 1212 (4.7)
 Very remote 16 772 (2.3) 1423 (1.8) 511 (2.0)

These women had a hysterectomy for benign indications before their study exit (their hysterectomies occurred either before their first electoral record, or during the study window) and therefore contribute exposed time to the analysis. Women whose hysterectomy was performed during the study window contribute both unexposed and exposed time. SEIFA = Socio-Economic Indexes for Areas

These women had a hysterectomy but contribute only unexposed time to the analysis because their hysterectomy occurred at, or after, their study exit (these women predominantly exited because of a bilateral or unilateral oophorectomy performed prior to, or at the time of, their hysterectomy), or was performed for a nonbenign indication (n = 4632; at which time follow-up was censored if the woman had not already exited the study).

Condition included as a diagnosis during any hospitalizations from 1970 to 2015.


Percentages do not add to 100% because of a small proportion of missing data.