Fig. 7.
Top, Nuclear translocation of RelA/p65 after NGF treatment in p75+ cultures. Cultures were either left untreated (A,B) or treated with 100 ng/ml NGF for 1 hr (C, D) and then fixed in ethanol-formaldehyde. The expression of RelA/p65 was assessed by indirect immunofluorescence using monoclonal antibodies against the activated form of the RelA subunit and streptoavidin-Cy3.A, C, Phase-contrast photomicrographs.B, D, Immunostaining with anti-RelA antibody. Bottom, NFκB activation in oligodendrocytes. TrkA expression does not affect NFκB activation by p75. DNA binding activity of NFκB in control and TrkA-expressing oligodendroglial cultures is shown. Lysates were prepared from cultures and assessed for electrophoretic gel mobility shift using a 32P-labeled oligonucleotide with a κ light chain enhancer sequence.