Excitatory inputs from granule cells to GABAergic cells are established by small terminals. Dynorphin (mossy fibers)–SPR (interneurons) double immunostaining. Dynorphin and SPR were visualized using pre-embedding gold immunostaining (dark, electron-dense particles labeled by arrowheads) and DAB (diffuse precipitate), respectively. A, B, Two neighboring sections show that a dynorphin-positive terminal contacts (arrows) a distal SPR-immunoreactive dendritic shaft (dSPR). Note that the presynaptic terminal shows the characteristics of small mossy fiber terminals (i.e., single, long postsynaptic thickening, lack of punctum adherens). C,D, The same type of terminals contact (arrows) an SPR-positive spine (s inC)and a proximal and a distal dendrite (dSPR and d, respectively, inD). E, A large dynorphin-positive terminal forms multiple contacts on an SPR-negative mossy cell dendrite (dM). Scale bars: A–E, 0.5 μm.